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Subject: =?utf-8?B?SEVMTE8gTVkgREVBUiBCRUxPVkVEIQ==?=
From: "Joan Abdullah" <[email protected]>


Dear Beloveth.

I am Mrs. Joan Abdullah from Japan I am an Asian Woman as a Citizen of Japan presently admitted in a Hospital here in London, UK for a medical treatment. I am married to Mr. Malik Abdullah who worked as the Director of CHUNYU CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SDN in Malaysia for nineteen years before he died in the year 2008; we were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days; before his death we were both believers. Since his death I decided not to remarry. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $3,500,000 (Three Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollar) with a Bank in Malaysia.

Presently this money is still in the custody of the Bank. Recently, my Doctor told me that I will not last for the next three months due to diagnosed cancer, aware of my condition, I decided to donate the mentioned money to a church or charity organization through the hand of good person that will utilize this money in the way I am going to instruct herein: I want a church, organization or good person that will use this fund for orphanages, widows and for other peoples that needs help and in propagation of the feeling of humanity. For we are made to understand that Blessed is the hand that giveth". l took this decision because I don t have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not Believers not even good at all because they are the ones responsible for the death of my husband in other to have all his properties; now I don t want my husband s efforts to be in custody of those that conspired his death.

This is why I am taking this decision, I am not afraid of death hence I know where I am going. I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the PEACE. I don t need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health hence the presence of my husband s relatives around me always and due to the series of diagnoses carried out on me, my doctor told me that I will not live much longer from now because my body system is no longer responding to any antibiotic medications, couple with the fact that my larynx was removed last week from my anterior neck (throat) because the cancer has extended all over my body which makes it impossible for me to talk well again.

I don t want them to know about this development and I know that With your assistance all thing will be successful. As soon as I receive your reply I will inform the bank about you and that you will send an account to transfer the money immediately. Pray for me because I need it. My happiness is that I have lived a worthy Faithful life, whoever that Wants to serve the maker must serve him in Spirit and Truth.
Please always be prayerful all through your life.

Best regards,
Mrs. Joan Abdullah
Please reply me immediately on my ( [email protected] ).

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