Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Chris Fuller Fri Nov 25, 2011 4:15 am
This email is not from a missionary with cancer; it was sent by a scammer. The scammer, probably through a fake doctor, banker, or lawyer, will invent fees that need to be paid before the money can be transferred to you. The money does not actually exist, and all payments sent to the scammer will be stolen from you.

From: Mother Grace Maxwell <[email protected]>

Calvary Greetings!!!

I`m missionary Mrs Grace Maxwell,69yrs old from North Ireland, affected with cancer of the breast.My condition is really deteriorating and is quite obvious that I may not live more than 2 weeks,because the cancer stage has gotten to its 3rd stage.

My surgical specialist told me that I may not live for more than 2weeks after my next surgery & i am so scared about it.After what he said, i have decided to divide part of my wealth,by contributing to the Charities & Motherless. I am willing to donate the sum of 5,000,000.00 pounds, to the poor through you, and this has become a matter of urgency base on my doctor's report, that am having a limited time to ever live again.

Though it's a sad one, But am not the custodian of life, i want to entrust this funds to your position for the good work of humanity, my surgeon comes soon, i will need your prayers, and while you still further with my wish, no matter what you heard of me coming few days from now.

Kindly reply back to know were to start

Many thanks...

Mother Grace Maxwell

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