Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by A.B. Fri Nov 25, 2011 5:17 am
Attn. Manager,

I tried many times to send you email, but it keeps coming back as failure, I
have to call Mrs. Monica today who gave me this your new mail over the phone.

Hope your department is meeting up on their annual target?. The First initial
Transfer Payment of US$184,000 (One Hundred and Eighty Four Thousand US Dollars)
from Techie Engr Service Ghana Ltd was confirmed yesterday afternoon in the
company’s account.

My Flight from Ghana to London was also ok, though we arrived late that day, you
can also reach me on +44 704 575 9398.

While in Ghana last week, I concluded with the Regional Manager of Techie Engr.
Service Ghana Ltd that, We do not want the balance payment of $65,000 (Sixty
Five Thousand Dollars) to be wired to the same HSBC Bank Account. Since we
have used that account so much recently for all our International Transaction.

I left a strict instruction to the Regional Manager of Techie Engr Service Ghana
Ltd that you will be providing a different account for him to Transfer the
Balance of $65,000. The Balance is available now according to his mail I read
this morning.

So contact him now with this details and the Bank information for the payment of

Techie Engr Service Ltd.
453, Circle Street, Accra-Ghana
Email: [email protected]
Tel. +233 24 500 2066

He gave me this Code, which you must use while emailing him.
CODE ? OMESL011GHP1. Without this code they will not make transfer to any
account you are providing, Keep this code confidential, it remains as a valid
Password Till this transaction is concluded.

According to our last discussion, remember you are supposed to send Mr
Boniface the balance of $500 for the new Company Registration, you know how he
behaves, they will never process the last payment / cheque unless we keep to our
side of the bargain. Remember what happened last year for a similar issue. So
don’t forget to send the $500 together with the New Account.

Send it to them by Western Union or Moneygram with this detail

Name. Mr.Boniface Donatus
Address 453, Circle Street, Accra-Ghana
Question. Which Country
Answer Ghana

Forward to them details of the Western Union, The New Account Information, and
the CODE NUMBER… to their email above.

They will transfer immediately upon your compliance and forward you transfer
slip. I may not have access to email again till next 2 weeks until the seminar
is over .. So make sure everything is under control till I return back to Japan.

I already told him you will contact him immediately, am sure he will be
expecting to hear from you now.



Lin Chi Wau
Toyo Engineering Co-operation
6-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8914,
Japan. Tel: +81-3-5223-211-1

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