Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by zeyadzer Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:52 am
"John Luzolo" <[email protected]> Save Addresses

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Date: Jun 15 2009, 10:36 PM
Subject: *** SPAM ***My Wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Show full header
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Subject: *** SPAM ***My Wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dear ,

Thank you once again .I have to tell you the nature of this funds. Like i said to you earlier, I do not want to disclose myself
here in the Internet. However, let me brief you a little about the whole nature of this Amount.(USD$70M) This funds was made to buy arms and Ammunition for the War that is going on right now in my country Darfor SUDAN.

Since my father who was in the Military then was handed over the funds to buy more Arms and Ammunition. He decided that I should moved out of the country with the funds, and look for some one abroad that will help me to Invest the funds in their country.A stable economy

I have no other choice to make the move,since I and my father did not support the war that was going on in my country. ,I have to run to a near by country where I seek a political asylum.

At the moment, the funds is right now in a Security Firm some where in europe .The Funds was Depsoited as a family Valuable treasures. However, since I seek a political asylum in the country . The Government will ask me how do I come about the funds, if I tried to deposit the Funds in a bank here. And i cannot make use of it here since i do not really know every where so much here.

Secondly, I am afraid of talking to people about it because I do not Know who is my enemy, and i do not want to go into trouble here. Since I do not speak country language where i am at the moment.. My problem now is who to assist me Invest the funds before I lose everything.

If you are Interested to assist me, I shall let you know where and how we can meet each other Face to face to discuss more on how to carry on this project, and after that, we will go to the Security company where I made the deposit of the consignment, to claim it from them and move the funds out from here. I will be so happy,to offer you any thing that is your wish on our meeting each other, because the position of the funds at the moment is not comfortable I am not asking you to Bring anything else for me or do any other thing than to assist me in Moving the funds out here and also help me to Invest in your country.

I Find out that your county have a stable financial economy, That is the most reason why I am pleading to you to come to my

My Father died duruing the war just because he did not support the War. It will be my pleasure to meet with you face to face here, and discuss more about how to handle and move the funds to your country. On your arrival here, we shall discuss a lot of things than here on email.

I cannot move out of here for now since I do not have any travel document to fly to any other country.

I believe my late father knew very well that the war is going to take his life, that was why he ask me to move out immediately with the
funds. And find my life with it.

This is the only thing left with me now, and would want to make a Better living with this funds. That is why I am looking for some one
TRUSTED, HONEST Person that will guard me and help me put this funds in a better place, before I lose it by people around me.

I believe you can see the reason why i do not want to disclose myself so deep here in the email earlier, and the reason why I need some one that will come down here First, we see FACE to FACE, and discuss more about how he or she will invest the funds, and the possibility of moving me to his or her country, as well as processing the country document
for me to be legal in the country.
On your arrival here, what ever you want me to give you out from the total amount for your assistance, we shall discuss it face to face on your arrival here.

This is not somthing that will bring a Government eyes on it, or issueing of any Government Document, and any puplication. NOTE: I am not asking you for any other thing than to assist me and guide me so that you and I will benefit from this funds and make a better future in life.

Please If are Interested I will like to have your private telephone Number as well as your every other identity in other to reach you and discuss more better about this project.I shall inform you where i am at the moment, to meet with me FIRST and the Information of the Security Firm as soon as i heard from you.

One more thing,Please Note, that this is 100% Risk free.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Mr.John Luzolo

Removed poster's email information -Jillian

by Arnold Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:13 am
Welcome to Scamwarners. As I'm sure you know, the only thing that is 100% is the likelihood of it being a scam.

by Jillian Tue Jun 16, 2009 4:07 pm
Moved here from News and Announcements.

Welcome to ScamWarners. Thank you for taking the time to post this.

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