Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Megan Sun Nov 27, 2011 4:56 pm
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Subject: let discuss on this
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Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 07:27:59 +0100
From: FIRST BANK CAMBODIA <[email protected]>
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Dear newly found friend,
My name is Mr. kasagoma Devos, a Business Manager with First Bank(Cambodia
office), as well as account officer to a deceased customer of our bank,
that shares the same last name as yours , who died on a car accident with
his wife and two children along Cambodian Thai-way on November 16th 2004.
His account ballance US$18,765,000.00 million with us has been unclaimed
due to unavailability of next of kin/relatives to claim his estate. In
accordance with the escheat laws in Cambodia as a kingdom, the Board of
Directors of the bank met forth night ago and resolved to turn the estate
of the deceased over to Government pause having waited for too long without
the deceased relatives/next of kin surfacing to claims the property and if
this is done, invariably, the funds will end up to become Government
property and it is as a result of this that i am moved to contact you
considering the fact that you share the same sur name with the deceased.
Hope the money will be intact pending my physical arrival at your end for
In view of this, am seeking your cooperation and understanding to stand as
the deceased next of kin to enable us claim the inheritance before the
period given by the bank elapse. All I require is your honest co-operation
and I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement
that will protect you from any breach of the law. Please accept my
apologies and keep my confidence. At the end of the transfer you shall have
40% of the total amount. Considering the money involved, and due to the
nature of this transaction, it is necessary for you to be sure of whom you
are transacting with. I want to be sure that you are ready, to execute this
transaction with me, What I expect from you is trust and commitment, I want
this large sum of money transferred with your assistance and you should
have nothing to worry about regarding legality at all because what affects
you Shall also affects me too, but I will appreciate you to follow my
directives amicably as everything shall be done in accordance passing
through all international banking laws, and as a banker I know that if we
follow up this transaction diligently it would be completed within 14
working days.
Do not fail to get back to me as soon as you have receive this mail to
enable us discuss further, with your telephone and fax numbers for easy
communication and oral discussion.
I await your prompt reply on this.
Kind Regards,

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