by sammyusa
Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:26 pm
rom: Omar Jelban ([email protected])
Sent: Tue 11/22/11 8:25 PM
Omar Jelban is my name and I am a former senior staff of the Muhammad Gadhafi inner circle back in Tripoli Libya and also the
former Libyan ambassador to the United Kingdom. I have long defected from his service and now presently reside in Ghana where I
was given refuge via the Libyan embassy from where I support the Transition Council Financially and anonymously
I was instructed by Colonel Gadhafi's son Hannibal Gaddafi back in 2008 to help relocate 38 million pounds to my UK account as I
am also a British citizen by birth and a trusted confidant.Now I need this money urgently I want to know if you can assist me get
this money out of the UNITED KINGDOM with my directions and instructions on what you have to do to assist me , which will be done
by internet banking only.You are not required to travel down to the UK but only to communicate with my bank via their internet
service facility and every process will be done smoothly and concluded within 2 weeks.
You might ask why can't I just do this myself? On May 1, 2011 I was given 24 hours to leave the country after Foreign Secretary
William Hague said i have been declared "persona non grata".and also on travel ban. The expulsion was in response to attacks on
British embassy premises in Tripoli following the death of Colonel Gaddafi's son in a NATO air strike.
If you agree to assist me, your share will be Eight million pounds guaranteed.
Omar Jelban.
[email protected]
May peace and God?s mercy and blessings be upon you
Long live Libya, free and dignified.
Sent: Tue 11/22/11 8:25 PM
Omar Jelban is my name and I am a former senior staff of the Muhammad Gadhafi inner circle back in Tripoli Libya and also the
former Libyan ambassador to the United Kingdom. I have long defected from his service and now presently reside in Ghana where I
was given refuge via the Libyan embassy from where I support the Transition Council Financially and anonymously
I was instructed by Colonel Gadhafi's son Hannibal Gaddafi back in 2008 to help relocate 38 million pounds to my UK account as I
am also a British citizen by birth and a trusted confidant.Now I need this money urgently I want to know if you can assist me get
this money out of the UNITED KINGDOM with my directions and instructions on what you have to do to assist me , which will be done
by internet banking only.You are not required to travel down to the UK but only to communicate with my bank via their internet
service facility and every process will be done smoothly and concluded within 2 weeks.
You might ask why can't I just do this myself? On May 1, 2011 I was given 24 hours to leave the country after Foreign Secretary
William Hague said i have been declared "persona non grata".and also on travel ban. The expulsion was in response to attacks on
British embassy premises in Tripoli following the death of Colonel Gaddafi's son in a NATO air strike.
If you agree to assist me, your share will be Eight million pounds guaranteed.
Omar Jelban.
[email protected]
May peace and God?s mercy and blessings be upon you
Long live Libya, free and dignified.