Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:37 pm
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Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 19:52:49 +0300
From: Mr Gani Williams <[email protected]>
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Subject: HELLO
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Dear Friend

I am working with one of the prime bank here in Burkina Faso, I seek
your consent to present you as the beneficiary to our bank deceased
customer in order to repatriate the sum of (10.3 million dollars) to
your oversea account based on percentage.

(1) Can you handle this project?
(2) Can I give you this trust?
(3) What will be your commission?

Note: Strictly reply me if your interest is shown and i also expect
your urgent response only if you can handle this project.

Waiting to hear from you soon

Yours Faithfully,

Mr Gani Williams

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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