Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by crashcrad Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:31 pm
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc
29 Bank Street, Ashford, London EC2V 7HN
United Kingdom.
Tel: +447024071642.

Dear Beneficiary (Adams & Annie)

This is in respect to your mail received, we will want you to removed every skepticism from your mind and as a matter of fact consider this Donation of Funds as a legitemate one. Regarding the first email notification message sent to you previously, we will like you to understand that the Unicef Organisation committe United Kingdom Zonal Head Quarters and World Bank wishes to Donate the sum amount of $2.5 Million United States Dollars to you as part of its first Donation to the less Priviledge, which you are meant to distribute 70% of the funds to the Less Privileged in your surroundings in order for the to have basic education and good adeque health care. This Programme was currently setup in order to Eradicacte Poverty and mostly the present Global Financial Crisis and unemployment which many countries are facing today. In other words you have been contracted as one of our Trusted candidiates to dispatch these funds peacefully and accordingly without complications. Furthermore the 30% of the funds should be used for other expenses to be encountered during the distribution of the funds, and the rest part of it you should keep for for the good work which you have kindily accepted with good faith.

However, the Lloyds TSB Bank Plc management wishes to inform you that all forms of documentation and file processing will be completed and Acknowledged upon the receipt of the below required details. Also before we proceed with a Direct Wire Ttransfer to your Account or any means which you prefer, the form must be correctly completed. In that case this new development will enable the successful transfer of the said funds on time directly into your nominated account provided to us without further delay or hitches as much. They management will in due course update you with all the necessary information which you need to know about this Transaction as soon as you meet up its Statutory Requirements and Terms for the Transfer to commence.

Please Complete the Form As Soon As Possible.
Prefix (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.,etc.):______________
First name:___________________________
Middle name:____________________
Last name:________________________
Maiden name:______________________
Marital status:___________________
Next Of Kin:__________________
Date of birth (dd-mm-yyyy):_________________
Suffix (Sr., Jr., II, III, etc.):___________
Preferred address for correspondence:_____________
Home Work/business:_______________________
Current E-mail:_______________________
Office/Home Telephone Number:______________
Company name:_________________
Monthly Income:____________________

DECLARATION: I_________Solemnly declare that all the information’s provided above is correct and valid.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we congratulate you once again.

Yours Faithfully,
Robert Dempsey
Registrar Lloyds TSB Bank Plc

Back to annies junk mail Move to... ADAMS ... annies ... Inbox Inbox/cras ... Inbox/cras ... Sent Actions ?Mark as readMark as unreadAdd flagRemove flag

by Helen Halper Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:13 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners, crashcrad !
Thank-you for posting this scam. Would you please post the headers and the email address that it was sent from?

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