Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ralph Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:14 am
Yet another scam

You can see some proof here Click Here

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: MR. MICHEAL CENA <[email protected]>
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2009 1:51:33 PM
Subject: U.S. Department of the Treasury....Your Funds

U.S. Department of the Treasury....Your Funds
Office of Foreign Assets Lodgings of
U.S. Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20220


I am Mr Michael Cena working in foreign Assets Treasury Lodgings of U.S.
Department of the Treasury Washington, DC, I was appointed by the world
Bank and I am writing to inform you that today at the Foreign Assets
Treasury Lodgings of U.S. Department of the Treasury Washington, DC we
received and acknowledged your inheritance funds via cash consignment box
from United Nations (UN) Association of London, United Kingdom Liaison
Office valued at $10.5MillionDollars.

I deem necessary to inform you that the retrieving of your inheritance was
witnessed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Interpol
envoys deployed to London by United States Department of the Treasury to
monitor the proceedings confirmed it to be a fair judgment by the Bureau
and the Interpol as the outcome of the event was a perfect solution to
curtail the activities of con artist and scam generally and is also a
perfect end to your payment. Your Beneficiary Funds that was allotted
into cash consignment baggage is now been deposited in our pecuniary vault
the Foreign Assets Treasury Lodgings of U.S. Department of the Treasury
Washington, DC.

The proceed of these event was successful because the United Kingdom Prime
Minister Gordon Brown, dedicated his time to guarantee success to it due
to his fight to eradicate deception, corruptions and terrorism's that has
deeply rooted in government and the people and it was also an achievement
for him to meet the deadline given at the Summit in Tokyo to clear
outstanding Beneficiary debts and Lottery Wining Debts. Hence you have to
contact my office for further clarifications to this matter with below
e-mail address:

Office of Foreign Deputy Financial Officer U. S.
Department of the Treasury Washington, DC,
Head of Consignment Lodgings:
Private E-mail: [email protected]
Phone:- 310-439 9728

Before we commence any further on issues concerning your consignment you
are to reconfirm your banking address and also reconfirm your residential
address as stated below. Only Fill the Bank Address If You Want To Receive
the Consignment Boxes at your Bank.

Full Name:
Residence Address:
Bank Address: {Not Necessary}
Current Occupation:
Cell Phone Number:
Contact Telephone Numbers:
Any Form of Prove of Identification:
Current Age:

At the receipt of the above information we will not hesitate to open
communication with you given you vital information for easy communication
between you and the U.S. Treasury. Be well informed that before we
commence the delivery of your cash consignment baggage to your proposed
bank address as stated on your pervious correspondence the vital legal
paperwork's that we need to execute a perfect delivery known as "Stamp of
Duty Paperwork's and Permission Order Papers will cost you the sum of
$830.00USD for the paperwork's to be procured and only reply if you are
ready to claim your consignment box and issued the paper works to me
immediately With The private e-mail [email protected]

Thanks You Very Much And God Bless America...


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