by Dotti
Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:18 pm
An email and phone number are enough to get you harrassed by an angry scammer, and often those can be used to get even more information. Scammers can get quite angry if they figure out you have been messing with them. While your scammer is sitting in Africa and is not likely to turn up on your doorstep, he can still cause you a headache. We have seen scammers retaliate in lots of ways. For example, the email address allows them to cause problems by putting victims on dozens of spam lists, spoofing their email addresses when sending out scams by the thousands (so you get to deal with hundreds of bounces and angry responses); getting baiters' or victims' email accounts closed--in all cases you may lose your email or the account may become pretty much unusable. These or other attacks on your email can cause a bit of a headache for you.
Scammers have done other, more serious things such as: using baiters' or victims' names/addresses/phone numbers in their scams (there is a thread here on SW with several posts by a victim who was bombarded with angry phone calls, letters, emails, accusations, and was reported to the police by several victims because an angry scammer had his mule put her address as the return address on several fake check shipments--when the victims realized they had lost money, they started harassing her); or using their info to set up scam profiles. One scammer even sent his victim's employer emails completely trashing her.
On top of this, death threats and curses are fun trophies for baiters, but can be a little unnerving when the scammer knows who you are. There are other examples, but I'll stop here. The end result is that cleaning up the mess can waste your time and cause you grief. It's better to drop a scammer if he has any of your real info to avoid these complications.
Baiters use completely fake information--this way if the scammer tries any of these things, it can't affect them. We may lose an email address here and there, but it won't affect us too much, and our personal and professional reputations remain intact.