Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Megan Sun Dec 04, 2011 6:10 pm
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dear, .

I'm very sorry to encroach into your privacy in this manner. I find it pleasurable to officially write you this mail to introduce myself for an urgent assistance. My name is engineer william orbrain, a Nationality of United Kingdom but I was born here in South Korea. My family departed ways from me during the Korean plane crash that happened on Monday, 15 April 2002.

However, I want to solicit your attention to assist invest this money that is in my off-shore account because I'm an man suffering from coronary disease for some years now and doctor said i may not live up to 1month from now which was the reason I’m seeking for your assistance and i don't want you to deny me my aim of fulfilling my dream of helping and supporting the needy all over the world

Based on this off-shore account that have fund valued $3.8M.USD for this project, this is how i desire that this fund shall be spent, You have to invest this fund into hotels, commercial properties, the reason I suggest you buy commercial property. in you Country is because that it can be rented out on regular basis producing a monthly income and will show an annual return of the investment. You must agree to use 40% of every income you made from whatsoever thing you might be investing the money to support any Charity origination of your choice in any were in the world. Please consider a 40% donation to charity of any profits and this you should consider an honor and a privilege to you.

Please think carefully and if you want to proceed I will show you how to go about receiving the money on my behalf. Kindly contact me on my private email: [email protected]


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