Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Terminator5 Mon Dec 05, 2011 5:13 pm
Received: from

+2348093795594 +234 8093795594

002348093795594 00234 8093795594

From: Consultant [email protected]

Reply-To: Consultant [email protected]


Begin Scam Email:


I am an Independent Legal and Financial Expert, i run a private Practice as a Solicitor and Financial Consultant, I lost my client and his entire family in a plane crash on December 25th 2003. An expatriate Engineer with Mobil Oil and Gas you can read more details of the crash from this website:
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/200 ... 293549.htm

I have the mandate of my deceased client bank to present any of his surviving relative for the claim of his fund or forfeit the fund as unclaimed. All my effort in locating any of his surviving relative has not been successful and i have little time left to make this claim.

I want you to stand in as a relative of my late client to enable me make the claim of the fund, The request of you being a foreigner as next of kin is associated by the fact that my client was a foreigner and no one here can stand as a next of kin to a foreigner. There will be no risk involved whatsoever if you agree to co-operate. However maximum privacy is of vital importance if we are to successfully reap the immense benefits of this transaction. I guarantee that the transaction will be executed under legitimate arrangement that will protect all parties involved from any breach of law.

My objective is not to make any monetary gain but to use my percentage upon the completion of this transaction for a humanitarian course by establishing a foundation for children living with "HIV AIDS" in honor of my late client and his entire family. The total fund is US$27 Million and i will give you 40% of the fund at the completion of the transaction.

Kindly send the following information to me to enable me file the application for the claim:

Full Name:
Mailing Address:
Mobile phone Number:
Age & Gender:

Send the above information to my private email address or call me on my cell phone if you wish to discus with me. (Cell Phone #: +234 80 93795594). I know we have not met before and this may come as a surprise to you, be assured that I have contacted you in good faith as i look forward to your response.


Mr. Christopher Dean Dixon

End Scam Email

Daniel 8 :25

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