Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Ralph Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:57 am
Good day to you, I am the Operations Manager with a Security Company here in South Africa, I amcontacting you regarding to a business deal, there is a (Consignment) that wasdeposited with us in 2006, and Two (2) weeks ago the Consignment was made postagethrough the Diplomatic Courier service after the depositor (Roger Warren) residing atChief land, Florida, laid claim to it, the diplomat has been trying to make contactwith him but till date to no avail. The Deal is this, the consignment contains a total amount of (US$4.2M) and theDiplomat is not aware of the content because it was tagged as family valuables, I canre-authorize the consignment to be delivered to you as the new beneficiary without anyhindrance and risk involve as the diplomat is still in the United States with alllegal documents awaiting further instruction from my office. Please, acknowledge receipt of this email using the below telephone number and mypersonal email address below so that we can discuss the next step and sharing ratio of the fund. Note; Whatever information that I will pass to the diplomats is what they will actupon, on this note I would like you not to take this opportunity as a joke because thediplomat is already in the U.S and time is not on my side, also if the consignmentshould be returned back to South Africa without trace of Mr.Roger Warren, the fundswill be sent to the government treasury for circulation as unclaimed funds. Best Regards, Mr. Dennis MorenaMobile:+27-71 902 2902Email:[email protected]

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