Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
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Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2011 23:43:16 +0000 (GMT)
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Compliments of the year 2011;

I thank you for make out time to reply my mail message and I hope this mail meets you in good time. However strange or surprising this contact might seem to you as we have not meet personally or had any dealings in the past, I humbly ask that you take due consideration of its importance and immense benefit.

Though, many unbelievable things are happening nowadays in our world, but i still believe that people of reality still exist, and it takes one day for two different people of different race to be in unity and peaceful life indeed.

I am Miss. Rita Salimata Collins, the Daughter of late Mr. Robbert Collins, I wish to request for your assistance in an immediate transaction. My late Father was a contractor and a Crude Oil Merchant before his death.

The death of my Father was as the result of injury which he got through a gun-shot which occured on the 29th of Nov. 2010; during the political crisis in the country ( Ivory Coast ), on his sick bed, he instructed me and my mother to look for a foreigner who will assist us for an investment overseas.

He disclosed to us about the sum of Five Million Three hundred thousand Dollars (US$5.3M).which he kept for Investment in one of the prime Bank here, i have with me here the bank contact information together with the documents covering the deposit of the fund for the clearification of your doubt.

The most painful part of it is that after several months of funeral of my late Father, My uncles and some members of the family started treating us bad with their human wickedness and diabolic powers; thereby forcing my mother out of her matrimonial home which at the end they eliminated my mother and left me motherless and fatherless.

I humbly seek your assistance to retrieve this fund and transfer it into your bank account for investment in your country.

Therefore, I am crying and seeking for your kind assistance in the following ways:

(1) To provide a safe bank account where the money will be transferred for investment,
(2) To make arrangement for me to come over to your country to further my education, and to secure a resident permit for me in your country.

Consider this and get back to me so that i can provide you with more information about this business relationship.

My computer is unable to respond to attchment files, I will send my picture in my next mail once i hear from you today.

Your Sincerely.
Miss. Rita S. Collins

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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