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Dear Sir/Madam,

It might sound strange considering the fact that we do not know each other. I honestly do not wish to obtain a help on condition or to oblige you to help me for unspecified reason, but if it is the wish of God that you help me to solve my problem, I will forever remain grateful to you and God will bless you abundantly. Meanwhile let me start by wishing you a properous new year in advance.

I am Miss Larissa Kouakou a 24years old and daughter of Late Mr. Daniel Kouakou. I live in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, West Africa. My father was an Exporter in the trade of the coffee and cocoa in the economic capital of the Ivory Coast. He was assassinated by unknown persons (Armed Rebels) in the family home less than a year now. Since the presidential election of 28th November 2010, there have been numerous silent killings of prominent individuals and political party loyalists by unknown gun men especially killings of 800 villagers in Duekoue by the Rebel supported by the incumbent government. You must have been aware of the political situation in my country Ivory Coast since the Presidential election which resulted to killings of more than 200 prominent politicians and business magnates.

However, I grew alone with my father because my mother died when I was 7years. It is sad that I have lost my Dad because I am left all alone. I know that I will not mourn them forever, but they remain part of me in life and death, It is very painful. Before his death, he told me that he deposited the sum of Nine Million Eight Hundred United States Dollars (US$9.8Million) in Security Vault Company here in Ivory Coast and named me the beneficiary/next of kin to the deposit. Now that he is dead, I have decided to invest the money in your country or anywhere outside Africa for political reasons and safety.

I seek for your humble understanding and wisdom to help me retrieve the money from the Security Vault Company and further ship to your country for purpose of investment. After a successful shipment/transfer of my inheritance; I shall come over to meet with you for continuation of my education. I require of you this help with all my heart and wish to receive your sincere response and would like you to tell me the possibility to help me out of my present condition with sincerity and honesty. You will be entitled to 15% of the total amount as compensation for your assistance in this project after a successful retrieval and ship/transfer of my inheritance.

I am waiting to hear from you with the positive offer of your assistance so that I will give you more details. Please consider this and give me an honest and sincere answer.

God bless you.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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