Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Tue Jan 03, 2012 10:01 am
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Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2012 19:26:29 +0700
From: Gary Morgan <[email protected]>
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Diplomat Gary Morgan,
Manchester G37 7FT,
United Kingdom.

I am a Diplomat by name Gary Morgan,mandated to deliver your
inheritance to you in your country of residence.

The funds total is US$7.5 Million and you were made the beneficiary of
these funds by a benefactor whose details will be revealed to you
after handing over the funds to you in accordance with the Agreement I
signed with the benefactor when he enlisted my assistance in
delivering the funds to you.

We have done our due diligence and have confirmed that the package
rightfully belongs to you and it is no threat to National Security.
Consequently, we have agreed that the delivery of this package of
yours be completed without further delay and has been mandated to be
effected within 72 hours.

It should also be noted that everything has been fully approved for
immediate delivery to you and note that all necessary approval
documents have also been secured to guarantee a safe delivery to your
address. This payment worth $7.5 Million United States Dollars will
be delivered to you within the next 72hours once I receive a maximum
cooperation from you since all safety measures have been perfected to
enable a hitch free delivery.

In line with the binding diplomatic consignment delivery policies,
kindly furnish us with the following as set forth to enable us have a
smooth delivery to your designated address.

1) A copy of your international passport or any other means of
identification as the true consignee/beneficiary.

2) The current address where the above funds should be delivered to
and your phone number preferably a mobile phone number to enable me
reach you for guidance on how best to deliver your payment luggage to
your address.

3) List the nearest international airport to your address location.

Meanwhile, we urge you to treat the above requirement with utmost
urgency to enable us dispense our duties and obligation accordingly
thereby allowing us to serve you in a timely fashion. Upon
satisfactory receipt of all the above mentioned, you will be further
acquainted with the detailed delivery itinerary.

Your reply to me is expected for more clarification and quick
dispensation of our duties and you can reach me at this email address:
[email protected]. Further more you are advised to
disregard anybody you might have dealt with in the past to avoid
delays in delivering the payment luggage.

Yours Faithfully
Diplomat Gary Morgan.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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