Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by sakie Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:41 am
Hie Guys!

Apparently this Norah Mabar is also operating with a "sister" called Haret love Mabar and gives the same story as that of Haret, being in a Senegalese camp and orphaned. Haret also gives the name of her father as Dr Leonard Song Mabar and her email address is [email protected] and upon browsing Scamwarners for the first time when I was searching for Dr Leonard Song Marbar , I realized this as one of those love scams. The whole idea is to get to know you better so that you can release more personal information about yourself and business. Thereafter, they will use another name to invite you to a business transaction wherein they offer to transfer large amounts of money for investment in your own country and offer +/- 30% for your part to facilitate this transaction.

Thereafter they can then play around with your account to swindle you of whatever little savings you have.

I got my invitation from Haret Mabar on WAYN (Where Are You Now) which is a travel Network and got another from Sweetylady Tilori who then turned out to be a Tatiyana after requesting for my private mail.They all target the sympathy of their victims and what follows is proposals and suggestions that are not in line with proper dating practices or norms of normal friendship and are eager to focus your attention on the romantic mode so that you actually get carried away and are thrown off guard and they take you to the next level.

One trick is to start asking for a physical address , mobile number or information about the locality or town which they live in and the emails will disappear.They will not divulge personal information and automatically you must know it is a scam.I took an interest after receiving these mails and upon research you will also find that once they invite you the email they use changes to another including a slight change in their names as well.

So my friends be warned and I will be posting some of the pictures and e-mails on this site for your info.

Best Regads

by Justin Wed Jan 04, 2012 8:57 am
Hello sakie!

Thanks for posting the scammers information. Glad you got suspicious and started searching. Most scammers will not be worried if you ask them personal details. They will simple lie and give you fake details. This scammer must have thought you were not a real victim and gave up. Or decided you were too much trouble. Scammers are lazy and looking for easy targets. They would as you said started asking for money and not stop until you stop paying them.


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