Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by buried under 419s Wed Jan 04, 2012 12:57 pm
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I know you would be surprised to read from someone relatively unknown to you..please download and read the attached file for more clearification.


I know you would be surprised to read from someone relatively unknown to
you. My name is Lt. Suzanne Bayer, a member of the U.S. ARMY USARPAC
Medical Team, which was deployed to Iraq at the beginning of the war in

I would like to share some highly personal classified information about
my personal experience and role which I played in the pursuit of my
career serving under the U.S 1st Armored which was at the fore-front of
the war in Iraq.

Though, I would like to hold back certain information for security
reasons for now until you have found the time to visit the BBC website
stated below to enable you have an insight into what I intend sharing
with you, believing that it would be of your desired interest one-way or
the other.


http://www.jonathanforeman.com/military ... chest.html

Also, could you get back to me having visited the above websites to
enable us discuss in a more clarifying manner, and to the best of your
understanding. I must say that I'm very uncomfortable sending this
message to you without knowing truly if you would misconstrue the
importance and decide to go public. In this regard, I will not hold back
to say that the essence of this message is strictly for the mutual
benefit of you and I and nothing more.

I will be vivid and coherent in my next message in this regard,
meanwhile, could you send me an email confirming that you have visited
the site and that you have understood my intentions? I will await your
thoughts via my personal email: [email protected]


Best Regards,

Lt. Suzanne Bayer.

Questions about scams? fraudatiocruor @ gmail.com to contact remove spaces

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