Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by bluecoms Thu Jul 09, 2009 2:23 pm
We need an au pair / nanny urgently in the UK?
?? ??: Paul Smith([email protected])
?? ??: 2009? 7? 5? ??? ?? 11:16:46
?? ??:
?? ?? 5?
i and my ...jpg (6.9 KB), Our home.jpg (2.2 KB), kids sail...jpg (3.2 KB), when they...jpg (7.6 KB), your room...jpg (1.4 KB)


My name is Paul Smith, the name of my kids are juvy and John aged 7 and 5. I work in a truck company here in central london and i don't usually stay home till evenings and i am at home all day during weekends. My contact address is : 1 little road, kings ton drive, London UK. My kids are special to me and my wife before she died. I am seeking an Au Pair who is honest, reliable, kind & considerate. I want an aupair nanny for them because they are the only one left at home whenever i am at work,since my wife passed on.We have an private room here in our house for our new nanny. I can afford to pay you 450 pounds weekly and a daily pocket money of 50 pounds.I will be glad to help you regarding your traveling documents where necessary. If you do not have a visa to be here, i want you to contact the travel agency that will process all your travel documents for you. Here is their contact e mail : [email protected] Contact them now regarding your visa and work permit and get back to me asap.
There is quite a lot of free time within the position - as the kids will be at school during the day.You will have a TV, & 24 hours computer access, so you can stay in contact with your family. Remember that your working hours is just 8 hours per day and your responsibility in my house is just to take care of my kids, cooking ,taking them on shopping ,taking them to where the school bus will pick them up from which is just 3 km ahead from our home.We also have a car for you.I prefare a nanny that can start soon, & preferably stay for between 6-12 months. I hope to hear from you soon. I will send you more pictures if you wish..

by The Enchantress Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:32 pm
Welcome to Scamwarners bluecoms.

Because you have posted in "Is this a scam", my reply is yes definately a scam.

Please cease contact with these scammers and do not send money or personal information.

If you have any questions or concerns, please post, a support team member will help you in any way they can.

I will investigate and post proofs as time permits.

Thank You for posting this informaton, it will alert and save others from being scammed.

Please see our guide and advice on scams click here and an excellent overview on au pair scams click here


Note the address given by this scammer "1 little road, kings ton drive, London UK" is fake.

Wages of "450 pounds weekly and a daily pocket money of 50 pounds" a work of fiction.

£100 per week would be considered very favourable for this position.

Photos - are scammers using yours? click here
Are you falling for a love scammer? click here
Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.
by Arnold Thu Jul 09, 2009 5:29 pm
Anothr scam, I'm afraid.
The "travel agent" has a free email account, which is highly unlikely. His English is poor.
School buses are rare in the UK, and we have vans and lorries, rather than trucks.

by Madhatter Thu Jul 09, 2009 8:05 pm
Definate scam, i have sent them an e-mail and will fastrack it to get to the scam and post it here to show you exactly what they would ask of you, my guess is $500 via Western Union for a work permit/Visa, we will see soon enough.

by GomerPyle Thu Jul 09, 2009 11:12 pm
Total scam.

There are no "truck drivers" in the UK - they are "lorry drivers", Making mistakes like that will often give an indication that the person doesn't, and never has, lived in the UK.

None of them earn enough to pay the sort of wages he's talking about, not that any aupair is likely to earn that sort of amount of money. It's ridiculous, but as he never intends to pay you any money he can offer anything he likes. It's your money he's after.

People in London don't normally give street addresses like that. The start of the postal code is usually given, as it's more informative, such as NW8. Street names are often duplicated in different areas because it's a big city, so you'd normally get just the partial post code so that you know the area.

In actual fact giving out a specific address like that and telling a stranger that you're out all day is stupid and wouldn't be done. Londoners aren't stupid.

Non-EU citizens should go here to find out about obtaining a visa to work as an au pair in the UK
Whenever payment is requested by Western Union you're dealing with a scammer

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