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by Gateway Sat Jan 07, 2012 1:24 pm
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From: <[email protected]>
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Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2012 14:39:46 +0400
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X-Truedomain: NeutralDear Sir/Madam,

I am Mrs. Rosemary Smith from Kent, England; presently I am a cancer of the cervix patient in a South African hospital now, waiting to be called home to meet my creator.

I and my husband the late Mr. David Smith worked with the state owned and operated Sasoil belonging to South African government we both are engineers by profession.

My husband died two years ago as we are childless I have decided to give everything we owned to charity that is why you are been contacted.

As I live my last days in this sick bed waiting for the day to go home I ask that you liaise with our family lawyer Mr. John Bello via, [email protected], to make sure our family estate valued at over $25.5 million is sold and given to your charity organization.

You are to contact Mr. John Bello immediately as I do not known when I will die; time is very near for me to go home.

Yours in the service,

Mrs. Rosemary Smith.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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