Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by gotic Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:38 am
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I am Mrs. Aisha Yakoub, the ex-wife of Abdul Razzaq Yakoub from
U.A.E. My ex-husband Mr Yakoub is a prominent Pakistani expatriate
businessman based in Dubai. Read about my ex husband on no. 7 of the link:
(http://teeth.com.pk/blog/2007/12/08/pak ... st-of-2008)
Since the beginning of last year, I have been in the hospital in London
suffering from cancer and recently my Doctor told me that I may die any
time any day because of my cancer sickness. Having known my condition I
decided to donate the $27 Million (Twenty seven Million U.S Dollars, which I
got from My ex husband after our separation to help needy.
I have decided to do this as to alleviate the suffering of many families .
I have sent over 5 million dollars to various charity oganizations but
they used the funds wrongly. Now I need a faithful Person who will help
utilize the money very well. I know you are a good person and you can do
this purpose for me and for Allah. As you do this work, God Shall
definitely reward you. Also, it is my desire to map out part of the more as a
reward to you for you faithfulness.

This is the directive I got from Allah after my Salaat Prayers. It will be my pleasure to receive
your good response and I will direct you to my Lawyer who will help you to
legally secure this $27 Million (Twenty Seven Million U.S Dollars).
I want you to always pray for me as I have no much life again says my
doctor. I am waiting for your respond.

Please your responding to this mail, email me at ;[email protected]
God bless you and your good family

Aisha Yakoub
--- end of source ---
Mod edit: edited out html code. DJ

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