Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:14 pm
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Subject: From Ms. Immanuel Agyei
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I am immanuel Agyei and I'll like to request that you treated this issue with complete confidentiality and honesty.

I have been in search of someone, someone i can trust concerning transaction that will benefit both parties. I contact you because I want to see how best we can assist each other. I am Immanuel Agyei, a Banker here in Ghana West Africa. I am an editor of bills/exchange as the foreign remittance department in my bank.

In my department, I discovered an abandoned sum in an account that belonged to one of our late foreign customers who was among the death victims in the May 12, 2008 in Sichuan province of China that killed at least 68,000 people. He was in CHINA on a business trip and that was how he met his end.

Since we got the information about his death, efforts have been made in regards to contacting close relatives to come over and claim his money. But unfortunately all our efforts to location any relatives had fail continuely and nobody has come forward to claim this money. This client's name is Eng. Loneil Barnes and Eng. Loneil did not mention any Next of Kin/Heir when the account was opened, and he was not married and had no children.

Now, it is being speculated that the fund belonging to Eng. Loneil will be transferred into the government account as an unclaimed fund, when nobody comes forward to lay claims. Moreover, I do not want the money to go into the government account as unclaimed bills. That is why I have been looking for a means to handle this situation and that is why I am now seeking your co-operation to present yourself as Next of Kin/inheritor to the account, and my bank will release the account to you. There is no risk involved; the transaction will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of law.

The reason I am bring this discussion up with you, is to know if you would be interested, so that you can represent as a relative to the deceased. The fact that the deceased (customer) was a foreigner and I have access to all the documentations will make it 100% legal and successful. The total amount is $3,700,000 USD.

It is better that we claim the money, than allowing the government personals enrich themselves with it. I am not a greedy person, I just think this is a life time opportunity to achieve a successful life and After the successful conclusion of transferring the total fund to your account, we will both meet in your country to share the total fund. I am suggesting we share the funds equally, 50/50% to both parties.

My share will assist me to start a new life and own company which has been my dream. Let me know your mind on this and please do treat this information as TOP SECRET. We shall go over the details once I appreciate your response and interest. Please treat this business proposal as strictly confidential for security reasons considering my official position in the bank.

I can be reach through [email protected]

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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