Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Fri Jan 13, 2012 1:47 pm
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It's my pleasure to contact you for a business venture, there is this
huge amount of money Fourteen million Five Hundred U.S dollars
($14,500,000.00) which my late Father Mr. Robert Jenkins kept for me
in a bank here in Abidjan,Cote D'Ivoire before he was assassinated by
unknown persons maybe the Rebells.

Now I decided to invest this money in your country or anywhere safe
enough outside this country for security purposes. I want you to help
me to transfer this money to your country for investment purposes on
the following below or in any investment of your choice.

1). Telecommunication
2). International School
3). Five star hotel
4). Real estate

If you can be of an assistance to me I will be pleased to offer to
you 40% of the total sum.

I await your soonest response.
[email protected]

Extend my warmest regards to your entire family.
Thank you and God bless you

Prince Jenkins

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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