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Subject: Compliment of the season. Dear Beloved
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Compliment of the season.

Dear Beloved

How is your health and well being? with good faith, they almighty is adequately taken care of you. May his name be praise for ever Amen.

I am Ashley Blanc, an adopted orphan and only daughter of late Mr. & Mrs. Eric kone from bouake in the northern area part of Cote D ‘Ivoire. My late father and his foreign partner was in a joint partnership as contractors. They were awarded contracts registered with the information’s and particulars of his Japanese partner for the renovation of six primary schools, four secondary school, eight hospital, and construction of seven new local state roads all in Bouake. After their completing of the execution of the Sixty Five Million United States Dollars ($65M) contract which was awarded to them during the previous Government regime of former president Laurent Gbagbo.

My late father Mr. Eric kone and his Japanese partner Mr. Yasushi Uzawa on their business trip to Abidjan to meet with the contract award committee members for release and payment of the executed contract , they were assassinated at the Hotel du canal Ramble Kumassi in the city of Abidjan Cote d' Ivoire. This incident happened during this uprising in my country regarding the electoral crisis which resulted into bloody war that deserted my country. The assassin who made away with several valuable things as well as cash left my father and his friend lifeless in their hotel room. After their mass burial at a local town of Yopugoun in Abidjan, I have to flew from my country for my dear life to this near by country Cotonou Benin republic where I am presently as a refugee. Recently after the United Nations called for a reconciliation in my country, towards the end of last year, the new Government regime head by my late father's native northern brother in the person of President Allassan Ouattara announces the release and payment to some of the contractors who executed and completed their awarded contract during the past government and my late father's country is in the list for payment approval.

Beloved, I am contacting you to come and stand in as my late father's sub contractor partner to enable the Federal Government approve and release this money in your name and particulars, which you shall in return stand to help me invest it in your country as my foreign guardian hence I will come over to your country to further my education. I am proposing to offer you 20% for your assistance 15% for any expenses that you may encounter during the process of release and approve of the money transfer to your account, making it 35% of the total money for you.
I will give you more details and the contract information’s as soon as I hear from you.

Yours faithfully
Miss Ashley Blanc Kone.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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