Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by mglopkin Wed Jul 15, 2009 4:33 pm
Hey everyone..

Look.. I KNOW this is a scam.. plain and simple. a friend of mine is moving to London and is on a bunch of different social networking sites.. she knows to alert me if she gets anything "odd"(she was scammed before)... so here goes...

I received this message this evening on tagged.com where I am a member...

Hope you are fine? I am l I work in (Be dwell Modeling Group) an international modeling agent based in U.K with branches in Europe.I saw your profile and your pictures on this site tagged.com ,we must confess we love it.I would like to seek your permission to allow us to use your picture for a magazine production,making big money from this deal.In any amount we gave you,you will get 10 percent.At least £400 for a start.let us know if you are interested call me at +447024098651

Mr Larry.

Mr. Larry? Got to love this one, right? This is EXACTLY how she got it, with misspellings and all. All I want to know is if this is a new scam.. or one that has been around a while?

Thanks to all....

by The Enchantress Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:02 pm
mglopkin. Yes a definite scam. Well spotted.

Thank You for posting this information, it will alert and save others. :=)


The telephone number is a UK redirect sevice to anywhere in the world, favoured by scammers.

Also http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090701134211AAKBwOX

Has anyone ever heard of Bedwell Modeling Group?
because i got this weird thing saying that mypicture was chosen and they would send me a copy of the magazine..
2 weeks ago


If you did not send them a picture, it's a scam. They are not a major agency and I can't find them listed in any industry directories. Also, an agency would not contact you - if they saw your picture they would have to contact the photographer as the photographer has the rights to the picture, not the model.

DO NOT contact these people. The company is not registered with Companies House, which every legitimate UK company needs to be registered with to operate in the UK. They don't even have a website. They are going to scam you out of money.

Other links;




Photos - are scammers using yours? click here
Are you falling for a love scammer? click here
Never send money by Western Union/Moneygram.
Never give personal information.
Online anyone can claim to be anyone, any age and from anywhere.

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