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Am writing you this letter with pains and grieve in my heart from the GambiaI know this might come to you as a surprise simply because you don’t know me before but I will like to use this medium to say something’s about me, I know this kind of letter comes to you everyday like it’s do come to me too everyday, I never knew i will be in such mess like this but am pleading on my kneels saying please you are free to investigate this matter I want to present to you if you are doubting me.
My names are Burama Dibba I was the former inspector general of police in the Gambia,unfortunately as am writing to you now am in prison and I never knew this could happen to me. I have 4kids and one beautiful, lovely woman as my wife, I am well known in society of the Gambia as you ask anybody he or she will tell more about me. Our present government under [ President Dr.Pro.alhajiAAA Yaya Jameh] has seized all my properties, my money and also monitoring my family movement I would have been happy if only I can see you as am writing you this letter with tears but I believe out there someone that knows and believe the living God will help me out. Please never count me as one of the cheaters on online am here for the replace and building of my broken family. they seize all what belongs to me due to what I did with some Nigerians here in the Gambia, I was involved in drugs tracking which fetch me so much money that I forgot my position as a leader but I thank God that my soul did not lost in this line,here is my secret that I want you to help me solve.

After seizing my properties and money in my bank, I still have secret box contain large amount of money approximately [26,000,000$][twenty six million US dollars].in this box are document and some keys that are also very important to me, this particular box was kept in premiere Security services company herein the Gambia, I will like you help me ship this box to your country for the safety of the money, and the money shall be share at the ratio [60% to 40%] I plead to you please help me out my family are really suffering from this bad act that I have engaged in, I will like you to visit me in the Gambia at the prison yard to know who am dealing with. i would have made the suggestion to see me before the transferring of the box but I don’t think is wise to act like that because I know that anybody they see with me now will be monitored very well in that case I will suggest that after the completion of the shipping the box to your country then I can be rest assured that the money is save and secure. PLEASE HELP ME WITH PURE AND SAINT’S MIND. i will be looking forward to hear from you soon ,you can write me direct in my personal email [email protected] thanks for your concern about me and my family.

Yours sincerely,

Burama Dibba.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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