Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Megan Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:21 pm
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From: "Clarisse RION" <[email protected]>
Subject: RE:Hello,
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 01:53:28 +0800
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My Dear, Let me first apologize for this intrusion into your life even if it is very important to me. I am Clarisse RION a French origin ex-director of an NGO (Non Governmental Organization), a graduate of HCS (High Study of Commerce) was born November 10, 1962 in Paris. For about 22 months, a throat cancer I have been detected and unfortunately my doctor informed me that I am in Phase IV, that is to say that I did not survive it. During the progression of my disease, I sold all my stuff (my business renovation and construction and my actions in all companies I worked in collaboration) in Singapore where I live since 30 years. The reason for my message is that I just lost my only son, my sole heir in a plane crash a few days ago, I made my arrangements for my money (from the sale of my business and my actions) belong to him when he is in adulthood , exactly the sum of fourteen million three hundred thirty four thousand dollars ($ 14,334,000). Why should I contact you because I am against the fact that my funds remain the property of this corrupt government, I prefer it to be used to acts beneficial to the evolution of the world or perform humanitarian acts and help people who suffer from hunger and extreme poverty in Africa as Somalia through to enormous humanitarian crisis, I believe strongly that by this act my son and I are being welcomed into the heavenly kingdom. I am well aware of what I propose and I ask for nothing if not always think in the context of this project. being assured of being in front of a responsible person and liver right, please contact me as soon as possible so I can transfer my funds to you. Cordially Clarisse RION

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