Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by AlanJones Thu Jan 26, 2012 1:11 pm
Good day sir/ma,

My name is Sgt. Williams Cole; I am an American soldier that served in the US military in Iraq with the army's 31st infantry division, I have some amount of funds that I want to move out of the country, e-mail me at [email protected]

Thanks and best regards.

Sgt Williams Cole

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

by sandymorse30 Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:27 pm
Hey, I have received emails from this person and I was smart enough not to give out my personal information. He or she asked me to send them personal information so they can send me money to put away for them. So this is a scam then right? I thought it was a scam or a terrorist.Good to know I didn't fall for it.
by Dotti Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:56 pm
It's a scam. There is no money and no American soldier. This is a typical advance-fee scam, in which the victim is promised imaginary money, but then is told that they have to pay fees/bribes/taxes/etc. in order to receive the money. In the end the only money that will change hands is yours - into the scammer's pockets.

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