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Dearest One,


Although we have never met before and I have no justifiable reason to contact you this way. I do urge you to listen to me and not pass judgement.

I am writing this mail to you with heavy tears In my eyes and great sorrow
in my heart because my Doctor told me that I might die in two months time.

Based on this development I decided to let you manage my funds currently deposited in a bank here.

I seek your assistance in using the funds for the development of charities anywhere in the world that affects the life of the suffering people especially kids. You will surely be rewarded for the hard work you put in. I know this was a hard decision for me to make but looking at my condition and known facts about cancer, I don't want to hesitate about it since time is not on my side.

The total money in question is about Five million five hundred thousand US dollars. I will provide you with other information's once you indicate your willingness to undertake the project.

You will not need to visit anyway or quit your job. You can do the project in your locality,

I look forward to hear from you.

Please reply me if you are interested to my email; [email protected]

Yours sincerely.

Mrs Mona D. Mariam Koffina.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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