Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Mon Jan 30, 2012 9:46 am
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From: CHARLES THOMPSON <[email protected]>
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It is with greatest pleasure that this mail got to you, and I hope you are in good health and also you will not mind me sending you this without prior notice but in the cause of reading it you will see that it came with very good intensions.

First let me introduce myself to you formally, as you may be wondering who sent you this mail, my name is Charles Thompson and I am the financial controller of a very reputable financial house in Ghana and I also double as the board secretory to the company.

My main reason of getting in touch with you is that there is this platinum rated account which an investor from Europe opened with our bank about 25yrs ago and upon monitoring this account for several years I realize the account was dormant so I transferred it to unclaimed files hoping to hear something from the operator of his account, but for 6yrs now nothing or nobody has come forward so I decide to check what will make somebody deposit such an amount, oh sorry I didn’t bring in the amount earlier, it is twenty eight million six hundred thousand us dollars ($28,600,000)this you will wonder how it will be sitting doing nothing in a bank for this long, so i setup my own investigations to give me some answers. And lo and behold the owner of that account died of a severe cardio vascular disease two years after opening the account in his home country in Europe where he went to prepare to come back and start his business in Ghana. I did some further checks and found out he never married and also did not disclose this account to anybody that is why it has been there for so long with no claim for it.
Please I can, with your help move this money and we can split it on a 70%-30% basis. Please all what I will need from you are these following details to file a next-of-kin claim on your behalf and the money is as good as in your possession. Your name, email, telephone number(s) and I will take care of the rest but I will inform you if I need anything from your side.

Charles Thompson

NB.please reply via this email [email protected]

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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