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Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2012 18:00:27 +0800 (SGT)
From: Wintter Onweh <[email protected]>

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X-Truedomain: NeutralChief Auditor of the African Development Bank (ADB).
Address Sobac AGF Avenue Delorme Carré 5
Benin Republic.

Attention Dear Friend,

I would like to contact you for a good business that I want you to help me and get this fund into your bank account in your country with good report received about you and believing that it would be really workout between us both.

I am the Chief Auditor of the African Development Bank Cotonou, Benin Branch family man with two children, I discovered the money in the amount of ($60,410.000.00 USD) Over the last 2010 business financial statement, and I packed the transaction that will benefit you and I, as chief auditor of African Development Bank Benin Republic, I feel it my duty to send a financial report to my head office in the capital at the end of each fiscal year.

I placed this funds on what we call escrow call with no beneficiary. As an employee of this bank I can not be directly related to the money, so my aim of contacting you to help me get this money into your bank account and get 30% of the total funds as commission, while 70% goes to me.

Please, there is no risk if you can work with my instructions and this business is the bank to bank transfer, all I need from you to stand as the original depositor of the said fund, which made a deposit with my branch so that my head office can order the transfer into your designated bank account.

If you agree with me to work on confidence, I appreciate it very much.Contact me in my personal e-mail ([email protected]). You have to come down here in my country and i will present you in our head office as the really depositor. But we will obtain a vital paper from Federal Ministry of Finance on your behalf and submit to bank before your arrival.

I await your prompt response.

Mr.Wintter Onweh.
Chief Auditor.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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