Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Leiaza Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:40 pm
This is the google scam


I found your post at http://bend.craigslist.org/res/1307964659.html
in the job section so i thought maybe i can help you out.
Im actually not looking to hire, but Im assuming ultimately you just
want a source of income..
Ive found this program thats been superb for me and im now making over
$300 a day.
not sure if you are interested or not, but you can see more about it
here http://www.whyjobbargains.com/

Hope it helps

by Leiaza Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:41 pm
Would u like to work online from home temporarily and get $500-$1500 weekly ? Just a part time work and won't disturb your day time work. . .
may i know your ASL ??? and what you do for a living??? Am/29/Female Uk and i work with PowerCo Systems International.Using the latest state of the art micro processor based design, PowerCo have a range of gen-sets specifically designed to meet the sophisticated demands of the telecommunications industry. We produce highly rated generators and we supply companies all over the world
we are looking for a representative in the states, someone who we can entrust with our company money and funds and would help us recieve payments from our customers in the states for the supply of Generating Machine we supply to them.
So, all you have to do is help us recieve payments from our customers and clients in the states.These payments are in Money Order or company Cheque and they would come to you in your name and information and the reason for this is that you will be the one to cash the check ,we are willing to pay you 10% of all transaction carried out by you and wire the rest of the money to us via western union money transfer.so all you need do is cash the check take out your payment which is 10% USD.
But the problem we having is trust but we have IRS who will get anyone who try to get away with our money....I hope i can trust you?
It wouldnt cost u any amount,u are to receive our payments which will be sent to u by fedex or ups from our business partners,clients and customers which would come in a cashiers cheque or money orders then u are to cash it take out your pay 10% and send the rest to us via western union money transfer.
These are the information that will be required from you if you are interested..
6.Home Phone and Cell Phone to reach you.:
so that payment can be made and mail out to you..
HERE IS MY EMAIL [email protected]
by Leiaza Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:41 pm
Good Morning Employee,
I just viewed your post on craigslist now,This Job is a valuable offer for you because it's a part time work while you get paid weekly,The company will be glad to offer you a job position as a representative in our company .I need someone to work for the company as a representative in the state. If you are interested in getting a good paying job to your daily list of activities. This is the fact that we do not have an office presently in the state,you don't need to have an office and this position will not disturb you from your present Job if you do have one.

The company is based on principal activities which include networked IT services, local, national and international telecommunications services, and higher-value broadband and internet products and services. We make lots of supplies to alot of Universities in the states for which I do come to the states to receive payment and have it cashed after we supply them goods. It's always too expensive and stressful for me to come to the states and receive such payment twice in a month so we therefore decided to get in touch with someone living in the state.The company will be paying you 10% for every payment you receive from our clients.

As I stated above that this offer is a temporally weekly paid Job only take an hour or less of your time. We're doing this to support the unemployed, standard of living and as well meet up for the company's standard and the demand of our customers.Subject to your satisfaction you will be given the opportunity to negotiate your mode of which we will pay for your services as our Representative and renumeration is on a percentage basis of 10% of the transaction you receive from our customers at any time on company's behalf. You can earn $550 in a week depending on transactions.If you are interested please kindly get back to us with the above information along with your resume if you have one to ([email protected]).

First Name....................................................
Last Name....................................................
Phone Number............................................

Note:- According to how you have been briefed earlier by me. You are required and mandated to receive payment on behalf of the company.You are to deduct your 10% of all transactions and I will instruct you on what to do with the rest funds.You will have to notify us a week ahead if eventually you want to quit this job so as to terminate all payment coming your way to avoid conflicts....I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.

Company Name: British Telecommunications Plc
Company Registeration Number: 1800000
Contact Number:+447024096126
Company Website: www2.bt.com
by Leiaza Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:43 pm

My name is Sharon Kent , a business Merchandising. I just came about your email address through an online email listing and You have been selected for your first assignment as a Mystery Shopper.You will earn 10% by been a mystery shopper weekly. Your employment packet include business evaluation form, a training assignment which will be send to you after you received payment for the assignment.Paycheck would be sent to you for the assignment by Certified Company Check or money order. The paycheck would be about $1000 - $5000, you are to deduct your 10% ,and the rest would be used for the evaluation at the store that would be sent to you.Your Employment packet are as follows :1. Business evaluation form: This is the form you are required to fill after you visit any shopping mall in your area. You are required to evaluate its customer service and quality control after their services are rendered to you. You would required to fill a form! to rate the employee(s), the form would be given to you after the evaluation:2. Training Assignment: You are hired to evaluate the quality of services of the store or mall that would be given to you . You are needed to rate the employees. Please note, this is a part-time activity.

Email me the below details:

Last Name:____________________________________
AddressLine1 (NOT A PO BOX):.__________________
Zip Code:______________________________________
Phone Number __________________________________
Bank name __________________________________

I will be looking forward to receive the above details.

Sharon Kent
by Leiaza Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:21 pm

Am Helvis Pecker, by name..I saw your ad and wanted to know if you would be interested in this

housing offer which i want to give out.. I stayed there together with my dad before I lost him last year..I

believe this would be an ideal situation for you though,it is not exactly what you are looking for. In his

life time he was a very successful entrepreneur who dealt
mostly in gifts of nature and their derivatives like Gold and golden jewelry to jewelers and jewelry

designers, he was also into the supply of watches, bracelets, wedding rings and gemstones-based

jewelery to stores in the US and Europe and I acted as his marketing manager in the US.
He had bought the house before his death and I happen to be the only child my father had, and as such

the property falls to my inheritance after his death. I have also resolved to continue with his line of

business since he already had a large number of loyal customers in the US.
I will be getting married to an European woman who is based in London,United Kingdom and I know

that after my wedding, my visits to the United States will be entirely unnecessary and ocassionally if not

outright impossible. Now I do not wish to rent out the house and I don’t also want to sell it because it’s

my inheritance and as such I believe that I shouldn’t sell it, as a mark of respect to my late dad..
Therefore, I am looking for somebody who is honest and trustworthy and clean freak for 2 specific

1.To help maintain the house while I am away and
2.To help me receive payments [mostly in form of checks,money orders] from the clients/customers

within the USA, on my behalf in his/her name, and have themcashed and then wire the cashed funds

back to the company. You do not have to pay me a dine for the accommodation until meet to get the

arrangement concluded as I did state earlier. It’s just for the purpose of keeping the business alive in the

If you want to keep this assignment as a job, please reply ASAP so I can allocate 5% on each payment

that you receive, that is if at all you don’t want to live in the house, or if you live too far from the

house..The house is a excellent piece of abode with clean bathrooms, walk-in closet, a gym, and all

rooms come furnished with electronics,also comes with Off-street parking,and space for storage. The

pictures are available and if you are interested let me know it is a very lovely house which i know you

will like. If you are interested in keeping the house neat and handling business payments in the state,

please send me your:


Excellent refences may be required and can be called upon anytime.I am in London,United Kingdom

getting prepared for my forthcoming Wedding.

Helvis Pecker.


EMAIL:[email protected]
You can check the pics through this link
http://s727.photobucket.com/albums/ww28 ... SE%20PICS/
The house is a great one with clean bathrooms,walk in closet,A gym ,All rooms
and living room furnished with electronics . It is a very lovely house and there
is no way you wont like it.
by Leiaza Thu Aug 06, 2009 4:23 pm
Anixter International
2301 Patriot Blvd.
Glenview, IL 60026

If you have access to a computer, and have up to three hours spare time per-
week. you can get paid, would you like to work part or full time
online,and get
paid weekly? If yes,then please read carefully.
Since 1872, Anixter is also the leading provider of electrical and electronic
wire and cable, fasteners, and other small components to build,repair and
maintain a variety of systems and equipment. We bundle our products with our
innovative Supply Chain Services to cut costs out of our customers' business
processes, and ensure they get the right product, the first time
We are currently seeking part or full time employees for our ever-growing
Accounts Receivable Department. Through extensive demographic
research, we have
discovered a wealth of untapped human resources that, for one reason or
another, need the freedom to work from home. If this sounds like you, please
read on, and consider becoming part of our company family.
Note that no form of investment of is needed from you and this job will take
only 1-3 hours of your time per week.
The position of Accounts Receivable officer entails the following
duties:coordinate payments from our clients, receive payments which come in
form of certified checks or united states postal money orders, process
at your local bank, and forward 90% of funds received to the proper branch
office, as instructed. The remaining 10% is your wage. Since this position is
need-based, you will have plenty of free time while enjoying a good income.
Every assignment in form of payment received from clients, you're entitled to
10% which excludes the cost of processing western union to any regional office
Also you get a monthly salary of $1500 which comes at the end of every month,
plus other incentives and benefits that accrue, which includes tax holidays.
Interested applicants should reply with full name, full residential
address,phone numbers, and email address, so that one of our Human Resource
Managers can contact you through email, with an approval letter if the
management decides youre a successful candidate. Please specify the
best way to
contact you in your reply email.

We appreciate your interest in Anixter International.
Thanks For Your Total Understanding.
Dave Coperfiled
Hiring Manager
Anixter International
Email: [email protected]

NOTE******* Interested applicants should ensure response is forwarded to the
email below:
[email protected]
by Leiaza Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:55 pm
not sure if this is one but posting it as well

How are you, I looked at your post, and I think you would be right for several positions I have coming available soon , I own several companies and need to replace a few people. Im not a big company and I like to hand pick my employees, Im sure you understand. All the positions Im filling will be inside a nice friendly environment and will be in a safe and secure location indoors. I will be offering a nice benefits package to the right people and the hourly wage is depending on your experience and how well you can get through the next few steps. Once I receive your credit report showing that you have no fellonies I will scheduel a personal interview with you.You can email it to me if it's no more than 30 days old or you can get a free copy here.. www.AlwaysYesToCredit.com Been using them for years with no problems. I look forward to working with you in the future, and one other thing Im sure you have questions about the position and I will be glad to answer all of them but not before we get passed this step, I would be replying to email all day for no reason. Simply reply with info to [email protected] Jeremy Richie Masters Products Inc. National Associates Reg.
by Clair Fri Aug 07, 2009 4:24 pm
Hi leiaza, Thanks for posting the information. Hopefully it will prevent somebody from becoming a victim of the scam. The last one is certainly odd. There is no website at http://mastersproducts.com/ and the email address [email protected] is not working:
confidence rating: 0 - Bad address
error : RecipientRejected - Mail server rejected the email address.
canonical address: <[email protected]>

It looks like the point of the email is to drive you to the website: http://www.AlwaysYesToCredit.com which redirects and you end up on this site: https://www.gofreecredit.com/freereport ... id=25879-1. This last one does appear to be a legitimate site, though I wouldn't give them any personal information. I am not sure if this last one would be classified as a job scam.

edited to fix bad sentence structure.
Last edited by Clair on Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
by Holly Brown Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:41 pm
Clair, given what you've said about what that link sends you to, I'd be inclined to think this is not necessarily a scam, but a sneaky way of getting customers. Those "free" credit reports are "free" only if you become a member, which usually costs something.

The job doesn't exist, I'm sure. Anyway, you don't get a credit report to prove you have no criminal record. You get a Background Check which includes a criminal history - and usually the employer has a contract with a company which gets those for a deep discount. You can get a copy of it if you want, but since the employer is the one asking, they are usually the ones paying. ;)

[email protected] if you want to ask me more questions.
by Clair Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:07 pm
HB, I agree, I don't think it is a scam, but I still wouldn't want to give them my personal information.

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