Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:44 pm
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Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2012 19:08:23 +0600 (BDT)
Subject: Attention:Beneficiary.
From: "Ezeamama Williams" <[email protected]>
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Bank Nigeria Plc.
23Walter Carrington Street
Tinubu Square Lagos


It was resolved and agreed during the meeting held this morning with this
Apex Bank,Paris Club Central Bank of Nigeria and world bank Auditors that
sum of $30.5 Million. (Thirty Million Five Hundred Thousand United State
American Dollar) should be released to you which is due for a contract you
executed with Nigeria Government years ego.

Following the meeting we have no time to waist to carry on every payment
arrangement, but we have look all round the circle it will cost you
expense if we decide to pay this funds direct to your bank account,because
bank charges or Taxes must be involved either one way or another.

In this regards we decided to bring the total sum directly to your
location to save much expense for you.We would be sending the said amount
through diplomat means to your location with the box containing the total
amount mentioned above,This will only cost you Token fee.

Only what the diplomatic officials needed to bring this box to your
location is only their delivery charge which will cost little amount.

This delivery charge will be covering their flight ticket to arrival to
your location with the consignment(Only delivery charge is what you are
to given them to accomplish this assignment to your location nothing

In regards to this You are urgent advice to re-confirm the under listed
requirements to enable us finalize their traveling schedules to any
destination you deserve.

1) Your Full Names:...............

2) Home or Office Address where you would prefer meeting them,.......

3) Phone and Fax number:...............

4) Attached copy or your Pass-port or ID CARD:...............

5) Your Direct Cellphone Numbers:..........

You are to send the above information's to enable us proceed with every
arrangement made to effect this claim.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr.Ezeamama Williams.
Skye Bank Nigeria Plc.
Reply to : [email protected]

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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