Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by sickofdeleting Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:43 am
Here's an interesting one!
Didn't know I WAS a victim until I was informed by this clown from of all places MONGOLIA!!!! I think the computers in Mongolia are YAK (large, extremely smelly, asian type of buffalo) powered!!! LOL! I assume this guy or gal is the modern day equivalent of Attila the Hun!!!! LOL!

World Bank/IMF

Dear Beneficiary,
Your name is among the 37 scam Victims list to be compensated by World Bank/IMF via ATM CARD each valued at US$1.5 Million.
send your
via Email : ( [email protected] )
Philip Kumar
Tel+229 94 130 768

I had NO idea that the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund had been moved to MONGOLIA!?! Now, I realize that some people might be tempted here, but this is really reaching don't you agree? lol! I am not even sure what kind of damage could be done by giving this idiot your name, address and telephone number. SO, the only thing that I could do to achieve my revenge was to call him/her! Now, ALWAYS use a payphone. I take NO chances whatsoever. I wish I could post the recording of this call. I am quite sure his/her ears are STILL bleeding from the graphic language, promises of physical harm from forced sex acts (YES! YAKS! LOL) with livestock, and promises of a live, one on one meeting!!!!! If he/she had any cardiac issues, he/she is probably pushing up daisies by now! LOL!

This is the first one I have gotten from Mongolia, so be on the lookout kids! :shock:

by Bubbles Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:24 am
Welcome to ScamWarners sickofdeleting.

This is not a phish attempt, but actually an Advanced Fee Fraud (AFF). Because of that I have moved your post to that forum.

Please post the email address you received this message from. That helps us and people looking to see if they are being scammed since that is a constant.

To receive the card they are saying you are slated to receive, you would have to send them money to pay some kind of fee. Then there would be another fee, and another one. There is no card and as you say, this is not the real IMF.

I do encourage you to be careful making assumptions about other parts of the world different from your location. All countries have access to the same information and some have even more advanced technology. Scammers do come from all parts of the globe.

Yaks are very interesting animals and useful for all kinds of things if you have the correct knowledge and experience.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.
by chunkylovemuffin Wed Mar 07, 2012 4:31 pm
Let you know, I just received a similar e-mail, but it was Fed Ex, the phone number and the e-mail layout was the same. Same dog, different tactic. Fed Ex has a warning concerning this e-mail.

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