Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by davhen Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:40 pm
From Woo Cheng, Mutual Trust.
Hang Seng Bank Ltd
Hong Kong.

Good Day,

I am Mr. Woo Cheng, Director of Operations of the Hang Seng Bank Ltd,
Sai Wan Ho Branch, Hong Kong.I have an obscured business suggestion
for you.Iam here-by seeking your service in helping me recieve a large
amount ofmoney and in giving a clear research and feasibility studies
on areas Icould invest on.Your services will be paid for, and you will
be a partner, if your recommendation is accepted.

As a bank employee, I can not operate any personal investment till I
am retired and with the Anti-corruption Bill passed in Hong Kong; it
is risky for a fixed income earner to own any huge amount of money in
Hong Kong or any foreign country. It is then advisable to invest till
I am retired and with the Anti-corruption Bill passed in Hong Kong;
it is risky for a fixed income earner to own any huge amount of money
in Hong Kong or any foreign country.

It is then advisable to invest in any foreign land secretly and
patiently wait retirement.For security purpose, due to telecom
interception in Hong Kong, I shall not accept or acknowledge any phone
call. Only fax messages/emails would be treated in relation to this
proposal but notwithout this code;[CODENO: AM-001].Should you be
further interested, Contact me through this email for further
confidential corespondence:

Warm Regards
Mr Woo Cheng.
[email protected]

Moved to Advanced Fee Fraud - Ralph

by The Enchantress Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:10 pm
Well posted davhen. This information will alert and save many from being scammed. Well Done :=)

Note this search on "code No" click here

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