Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:54 pm
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I write to seek your co-operation as my foreign partner and your assistance to enable me to own properties and invest in the economy of your country. I apologize if this letter does not suit your personal or business ethics.

My name is Mohamed Hassan, a senior staff in file keeping section of the foreign remittance department of Bank Simpanan Nasional, Malaysia. I am making this venture proposal to you in strict confidence. In my department I discovered an abandoned sum of $6,500,000.00 US dollars, in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customer Mr.Andreas Schranner who died along with his entire family in a plane crash. Crash Website: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/859479.stm

Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting the next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next of kin died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim. It is therefore upon this discovery that i decided to contact you and release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and i don't want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed Bill.

The Banking law and guideline here stipulates that if such money remains Unclaimed after ten years, the money will be transferred into the Bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The request of a foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and an Malaysia cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.

If you will like to assist us as a partner then indicate your interest after which we shall both discuss the modalities and the sharing percentage. All other information to facilitate the remittance of the funds will be revealed to you in due course. If you are not interested, please also indicate so, so that it will enable me to contact other foreign partners who might be interested to work with me. I will appreciate if you could contact me through my direct email address: [email protected]

A swift acknowledgment of the receipt of this letter and early establishment of position will be appreciated.

Thank you and God bless you.

Mr. Mohamed Hassan
Tel: +601 46391395

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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