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by Gateway Sat Feb 25, 2012 4:55 pm
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From: Alam Jangi <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 17:16:59 +0000
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X-Truedomain-ID: 2EE5E9BAC4285D94856BE0A1483BEE93
X-Truedomain: NeutralGood Day Dear,

How are you today?

I'm very sorry to disturb you with this email because you don't know me before.

My name is Jangi Saiful Alam I am 16 year old and my sister is 10 years old, my father was the Mineral Resources Control officer with late President Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi of Libya, I manage to except death together with my sister Ms. Rumiati Alam to this country for safety during the heat of the crises and consequent take over of govt by Rebel Forces. I want to indulge in you to help me and my sister and receive us to your country, I and my sister are now at the refuge camp here and we are not comfortable with the place as we have not been in that kind of place befor.

I managed to run into this country with my Sister and here in this country my father has a fund deposited here in the amount of $41.8 million U.S Dollars with the CENTRAL BANK OF BENIN which I am fully away of by my late father . I seek for your assistance to help receive my Sister and my self over to your country and settle down there and also to help us receive the above mentioned amount into your account so that you can use it to look after us and invest some of the money in any good business for our future.

Let it be known to you that we will in no way expose our self or the transaction because we are afraid not to die like our father, so we have been in hiding for some time now until the govt of Libya settles every thing. Note, that every document about this deposit is with me here, it was giving to me by my father before his death as the first son.

Please do indicate to me your acceptance about my latter to you so that I will give you all further details and all information that you need to know about the deposit.

I wait for your kind consideration and please keep this very confidential.For security seasons do reply me with this email address ([email protected] )


Jangi Saiful Alam.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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