Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by scareasy Sat Feb 25, 2012 9:36 pm
What's the scam here? Yes, I know it's a scam, but how do they get your money from you? I won't bother baiting these guys to find out.

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Subject line: COMPENSATION


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Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2012 03:28:46 +0800 (SGT)
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How are you doing today?

I write to inform you that we have already sent you $9,000.00USD dollars through Western union as we have been given the mandate to transfer your full benefited sum of $700,000.00 USD (Seven Hundred Thousand US Dollars) via our office here (Western Union) by the United nations in conjunction with the ECOWAS as a compensation.

I called to give you the information through phone as internet hackers were many but I cannot reach you yesterday even this morning.So,I decided to email you the MTCN and sender name so that you can pick up this $9,000.00USD to enable us send another $9,000.00USD by tomorrow as you knows we will be sending you only $9,000.00 USD per day.

Go and receive your $9,000 USD and get back to us as soon as possible to enable us send another $9,000.00 USD by tomorrow.

Manager :Mr Ken Texman
Contact Email: [email protected]

Email me once you picked up this $9,000.00 USD today.
Here is the western union information to pick up the $9,000.00 USD,

Payment Information.
Sender's Name:_________Austin Ginika
Amount Sent______________$9,000.00 USD
MTCN :___________________8492251083
Text Question:___________Trust

With due respect please get back to us urgently after the pick of the money and if you have any problem you can as well contact us immediately.

Mr Ken Texman

by Bubbles Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:49 am
It is an Advanced Fee Fraud. The victim will be required to send money to pay fees and other made up costs to get the "pay out" to come to you. Of course, there will be no pay out. It is a total scam.

Thank you for posting this information.

Bubbles, former Scamwarners moderator.

Rest in Peace 24 June 2015.

Gone, but never forgotten.

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