Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:53 pm
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Dear Friend,

My name is Mrs. Geri Matthew, I reside here in Tyler Texas. My residential
address is as follows; 2302 Old Jacksonville Rd, Tyler, TX 75701, USA. Am
thinking of relocating since I am now rich. I have fallen for various
Scams in the past and happened to be one of those that took advantage of
the Scam Victims Compensation Exercise organized by the Nigerian Scam
Victims Reconciliation Commission in 2007 but since then they refused to
pay me because I was working with the wrong office. I had paid over $4,000
while in the US, trying to get my payment all to no avail.

Having experienced all that, I decided to travel down to Nigeria with all
my compensation documents and was advised to meet Reverend Father Peter
Mark who happens to be a member of the Compensation Award Committee. On
contacting him, he explained everything to me. He said whoever is cont
acting us outside his office is a fake as he is the Public Relations
Officer and all such correspondence should come from his office.

He took me to the paying Bank for the claim of my Cheque (Compensation
Payout). Right now, I am the happiest woman on earth because I have
received $500,000.00 as compensation. Before my departure, Rev. Fr.Peter
Mark showed me a list comprising those that were yet to receive their own
payment. He told me he has been trying to reach them but was yet to hear
from any of them. I saw your name and email address as that of one of the
Beneficiaries, this is why I decided to email you and let you know you
must stop dealing with those people. They are not with your Funds; they
are only making money out of you.

I will advise you to contact Reverend Father Peter Markus. You have to
contact him directly on the information shown below with your Full Name,
Home Address & Phone Number:

Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +2348189839542

Those people (SCAMMERS) are only taking advantage of you and they will dry
you up before you know it, stop now so you don't end up losing all you

The only money I paid after I met Rev. Fr. Peter Mark was $207 for the
paper work, take note of that. Having said that, I will advise you to
contact Rev. Fr. Peter Mark so that he can help you receive your own
compensation fund of $500,000.00 just like myself instead of dealing with
those liars that will be turning you around and asking you for different
kind of fees to complete your transaction.

Thank You and Be Blessed.
Mrs.Geri Matthew.
[email protected]
2302 Old Jacksonville Rd.
Tyler, TX 75701, United States.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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