Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:58 pm
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From: Jenkin Hui. <[email protected]>
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I am Jenkin Hui Finance Director in the Prestige Banking section of Hang Seng Bank in Hong Kong.Permit me to ask for your utmost confidentiality in these matter I write to you about. I have been a top executive of this bank for several years during which time I have handled a lot of private
banking activities for various people on behalf of the bank.

I write to you regarding the estate of Fattal Haider Hanon an Iraqi business man; an investment placed under our bank's management 6 years ago.With accrued interest, his investment is now worth Eight million two hundred and fifty thousand British Pounds (GBP 8,250,000).When Mr Hanon failed to show up or send any instructions regarding the fund,several notices were sent out and subsequent investigation by the bank revealed that he and his family had been killed during the war in Iraq.Their home in Mukaradeeb had been destroyed by a bomb explosion. As personal manager of his portfolio, I am aware that he has such deposit with the bank with no nominated next of kin.

I propose that since I only have exclusive access to his file, I will add your name to his file as his next of kin and you will be made the beneficiary of the fund.Upon verification, which will be the details I will make available to my bank, my bank will make payments to you. For your assistance, your share will be 40%, and I shall fly over to your country for my share. In the banking circle this happens every time,or the money will revert back to the state. This is 100% risk free as all documentations will make it legal and satisfy international banking laws. This is a lifetime opportunity for us. I am a family man; I have a wife and children. I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to the consequences,but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained. This is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients. For security reasons, contact me via email as I do intend to keep this transaction as discreet as possible and would advice you dosame.

Please your reply should only be send to my private email on:[email protected]

Jenkin Hui.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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