Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:23 am
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Attention please.

Business is the major economic development. Which every developing country or an

Ambitious individual should Colgate the mindset. West Africa as a developing

Countnet is being economically dwarfed by the immensely growth of internet

Fraudsters, damaging the image of the nations and setting a pace for development not

to be embraced.

However, it is unbearable and unethical for some security agencies, government

Officials and offices to indulge in such unscrupulous practices by cooperating with

These fraudsters instead of apprehending them, and making them know the image they

Portray on the nations as a whole. The defrauding of people`s money in a deceptive

manner are setting people`s businesses back especially in Europe, Asia. Posing as a

Barrier to foreigners to invest in West Africa.

Anti internet fraud association, is a legalized association in West Africa. With the

Sole aim to cut internet fraud coming from West Africa, which is damaging the image

Of legal businesses in partnership with foreign organizations, companies or

Individuals. And also to stand as a back bone to your business, money or

Contract you are having with unknown person. Finally, advising you on any

Business information you receive from West Africa if legal or not, for your money to

Be saving. Perhaps, engage you into the rightful business if you choose to.

By you becoming a member of this organization you can never be duped by any

Fraudster in West Africa. The question is how can you work with us?. It is simple. Any

Business information you receive from west Africa, and willing to negotiate, or already

Into. Should be forwarded to our email([email protected]), and don't let

Your partner in West Africa to know. Our organization will carry out a thorough

Investigation and feed you back if legitimate or not. Before you engage into it or

Pay any money.

If you receive this message and refused becoming a member, or a member venturing

Into any business with unknown person in west Africa. Without emailing us, if duped you

Will have you to blame.

By becoming a member, you must pay $500(us dollar), and forward all your details.

And certificate of membership and organization`s contacts will be issued to you.

Please our organization has stopped issuing any information or contact to a none

Member (apart from the Email you received our message). For some security reasons.

We don't advertise ourselves. For proper investigation. Please if you

Think we are after your money doesn’t get back to us. We are here to place

And give you the right information for the fact that west Africa is concerned.

Note* we do not need you if you don't do a legitimate business.

Don’t Email back if not willing to join.



If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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