Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by cutelilly Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:40 am
WARNING: this is a SCAM.

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Subject: I look forward to hear from you
From: Mrs. Deborah Evans <[email protected]>
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Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 10:22:50 +0100


I am Mrs. Deborah Evans, the confidential Secretary to the Central Bank of Benin Republic Governor (CBR) Dr. Raymond Helve. I have urgent information, which is vital to you, if you promise that you will not betray me.

The information is about your outstanding contract payment with the Federal Government of Benin Republic, which you are supposed to receive through the Eco-bank Benin Republic. My boss and some of his colleagues in other ministries that are involved in your transaction has conspired to divert your fund to another account, and the strategy they employed is by demanding several charges from you, so that you will feel frustrated and abandon the fund, thereby it will open an avenue for them to refer your fund as unclaimed and it will be transferred to their coded account. Recently, our President Dr. Boni Yayi mandated my boss to release partial payment of your fund to you, but he did not pass the information to you as he kept the letter on my care.

Please this information I am giving to you is a great risk on my side, but I know that if you get your partial payment of U$D3.5 000,000.00 (Three Million, Five hundred thousand US Dollars) as directed by the Presidency in the mandated, you will not forget my effort.

Please if you are not going to put me into trouble about this development, kindly contact me through my email address for further details on how to proceed towards the successful remittance of your fund.

I look forward to hear from you.

Best regards,
Mrs. Deborah Evans
Email: [email protected]

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