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Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 04:42:41 +0800 (SGT)
From: Mrs Mary Besford <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
Subject: Subject: Faith Donation
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Subject: Faith Donation
Name: Evangelist Mary Besford
Address: 2a Merchiston Avenue. Edinburgh EH10 4NU. Scotland UK.

Greeting in the Name of God

I am Mrs. Mary Besford, A widow to the Late Mr. Macurs Besford, I am 65
yrs old, I am a new Christian convert working as a missionary in Africa
before I Was urgently transfer to my home country here in Scotland United
Kingdom, am suffering From long time cancer of the breast, from all
indication my condition is really Deteriorating and I am afraid that I
won't live more than two Months, because of the pains I am passing through
and because the cancer stage has gotten to a very bad stage. My late
husband was killed during the U.S raid against terrorism in Afghanistan,
and during the period of our marriage we had a 23 yrs old son who died in
an auto crash three years ago. My late husband was very wealthy and after
his death I inherited all his business and wealth. My Doctor suggested that
I will go for a surgery because I have tried so many ways for solution but
no solution.

The reason why I am contacting you from my sick bed is because I want to
divide the part of my husband wealth to contribute to the development of
the church and Mosque in Africa, America, and Asia And also in Europe. I
prayed over it, and I am willing to donate the sum of Five Million Great
Britain pounds (5,000,000.00 GP) to the less privileged and orphanage Home
through you.

My God is the one that directed me to you and I want you to use 70% of this
funds to work for God and keep 30% to yourself. Please I want you to note
that this fund is lying in a Bank and upon my instruction, my Bank will
proceed with their transfer Procedures once they get some vital information
from you as my next Beneficiary.

Lastly, I want you to keep everything about this transaction very private
and secret because there are so many people that are searching a way to
claims My Husband fund especially my husband relatives and friends, I hate
them because they only interested on my husband Fund. I honestly pray that
this money when transferred will be used for the said purpose, because I
have come to find out that wealth with our God and Happiness is vanity upon
vanity. If you are willing to help me, please kindly get back to me with
your following details which I listed below:

Your Full Name:
Contact Address:
Mobile Phone Number:

May the Grace of our God and the Fellowship of God be with you and your
I await your urgent reply,
Yours in Christ,

Mrs. Mary Besford.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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