Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
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Dearest One,

Capt John England Jr, is my name; a United Nations worker, (UN) serving with the restoration of peace, and reconstruction of Iraq attached with the U.S 3rd Infantry Division,Military/Army contractor. This letter may come to you as a big surprise, but I believe it is only a day that people meet and become great friends, and eventually business partners.

I believe you are a highly respected personality in your country. I am amongst the last batch of UN Peacekeepers/US Soldiers that was withdrawn from Iraq to Syria as announced by the President of the United States. Before leaving for Syria, I have safely deposit two trunk boxes (Consignments), containing $36.5M which we have secretly moved from Iraq to a Security Company in south Africa.

Due, to my official duties, I am not permitted to leave Syria, hence, I cannot personally take possession of the two trunk boxes for now. My reason for contacting you is that, I would like you to pickup the two consignment boxes from the custody of the security company that transported them from Iraq immediately, and move the money to your country for safekeeping.

You will get a (10%) commission as your own share from the money, and the rest will be for me and my colleagues but feel free to negotiate what you will like to have as your percentage

Can I trust you not to expose us? Can you handle these money on our behalf pending my physical arrival to your country? Please signify your interest by sending your reply to any of my private e-mail stated below; ([email protected] ) with your full name, your direct mobile number, and your present or physical residential address.

Thank you in anticipation for your response, I confirm with certainty that your collaboration is 100% risk free, provided you treat this request with utmost discretion and trust it deserves. Please note that some of my e-mails may be delivered to your junk, spam or bulk folders so always endeavor to look into these folders for future correspondence.

At present i don`t receive or make calls for security reason(s) as it is being monitored. All our communication will be based on internet.

Warm regards,
Capt John England Jr,
Reply-To-E-mail: ( [email protected])

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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