Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
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It was only now that i made up my mind to contact you after many days for i am acting on the belief that i can trust you?

My name is Bala Edoo, I am a muslim the SON of late Alahaji Mustafa Edoo my father was a Gold and Diamond dealer who Died by Accident on their way to the diamond zone with some of his members.

I contacted you to assist me ,because, before my father was died by Accident,he deposited 80 kilos of Golds plus 14,220 carate Diamonds gem stones and 7.5.millon POUNDS AND HE DEPOSITED ALL THIS IN A TRUCK BOX AS A FAMILY VALUEBLE IN (HIGH SECURITY COMPANY here in my country) AND ACCORDING TO MY FATHER HE SAID THAT THEY SECURITY COMPANY DON'T KNOW THAT THE CONTENTS of the truck box is GOLD, DIAMOND AND MONEY, so please incase if you ARE contacting the security company don't let them know about the contents, you can only demand on how to release or shipp the truck box to you.

Presently,i am in a refugee camp under the united nations.
I RUN TO the refugee camp here WHEN my parents were died by accident to search for a sincere and honest PERSON who will understand my situation and assist me to acheive my inheritance.

I have made up my mind to move out from here,settle and invest in your country if you are willing to HELP me.

I contacted you because i want you to contact the ( HIGH SECURITY COMPANY here) ON my behalf as my late fathers business partner and arrange with them for the release or shippment of the deposited consignment truck BOX containing the Golds, Diamonds and money to you and also arrange for the sales.

You will also assist me to come over to your country as soon as the deposited consignment truck BOX is released or shipp to you.

If you are willing to assist me, I have made up my mind to offer you 30% share out of the total money released from the sales of the Golds and Diamonds for your well assistance.

Once again i thank you and i am waiting for your very urgent reply as a confirmation that you received my proposal mail and are willing to assist me.

As soon as i receive your reply,i will forward to you all the contacts informations of the high security company here where my late father deposited the consignment truck BOX.

Bala Edoo.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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