Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Gateway Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:25 pm
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This mail and the classified information contents therein which am about to reveal to you can either destroy me or make me depending on how you receive or take it.I want you to read it carefully to know the reason and purpose why you should accept this mail from me.I didn't come to you by chance nor by accident.I got your email address during my search from the Ghana Chambers of Commerce and industry Guest book list, then i was motivated to contact you on this matter,but before I
proceed I will like to introduce myself to you.

I am Peter Dangoma, am 23 years old from Kigali/Rwanda in Eastern Africa.My late father before he was assassinated by the Hutu Soldiers during the Rwandan Genocide was a very rich Gold and Diamond merchant and I am the only surviving son left to inherit his Legacy/Will concerning his wealth worth USD$23M of two metallic trunk boxes which
he deposited in a Security Vaults in Ghana West/Africa.

To my full claim of my late fathers wealth as indicated on the paragraph 7 of his (LAST WILL TESTAMENTARY).

N/B: There is no risk involved, Our sharing ratio is 70/30%.(70 for me,30 for you).If you are interested, reply and send me your direct mobile number for a smooth discussion of this transaction in details. And if you are not interested or see this mail as a
scam, simply delete it and sorry for me contacting you, and after 72 hours you received this mail and i didn't hear from you. I will assume you are not interested and then I will proceed to search for someone else.

This is a clean and straight forward business, it is safe and risk-free, as I have taken care of all necessary steps to ensure a
hitch-free transaction, kindly reply me to my private E-Mail: {[email protected]}

Best Wishes and God Blessings,
Peter Dangoma.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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