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Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2012 17:04:59 +0800 (SGT)
From: Florence benson <[email protected]>
Subject: Greetings to you.
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Greeting to you in advance. How are you, your business and family? I hope all is well. Please I want to use this opportunity to introduce myself to you and tell you what I am looking for if you don't mind.

I am Miss Florence Benson daughter of the late ENGR. FERICOH BENSON of Free town, Sierra Leone with my brother. I am a young girl from the family of two because my beloved mother died on the day my younger brother was delivered and my father refused to re-marry immediately because he is the only child of his parents and don't want anybody that will maltreat us due to the love he has for us. My late father Engr. Fericoh Benson was the Managing Director (MD) of BETAX PLC a Gold and Diamond Mining corporation company. During the time of his service he was a very devoted and God fearing person; this cause his fellow staff to hate him because he always refuse to collaborate with them in doing evil.

So one sunny Tuesday evening when I was coming back with my dad from shopping in his own private car we ran into bandits who were totally armed they trace us till we reach home, there they attack us, my father pleaded with them to take everything he has and spare his life, they took everything and also shot him three times on his chest they also shot me but to the glory of God I survived the gun shots but my father died in cold blood. How I was admitted in the hospital I don't know but I found myself on the hospital bed after two weeks of the incident when I re-gain conciouse.

This happened eight months ago, as I am trying to gather my deserted life and that of my brother in place. Our father has being buried that was four months ago, the present problem we are facing is that my father's uncle that is the brothers of my grand father has took everything that my father has both money, landed properties and all his durable asset ejected me and my bother leaveing only the sum of US$12,5M which my father deposited in a bank which they don't know about. They treated us badly also accusing us for the calamity that befall our family, now we are left alone in this world.

But why I contacted you is because we want to start a new life outside our country and also when I went to the bank where my father deposited the money in Cote d'Ivoire which is located in west side of Africa they told me that my father deposited that money on behalf of his partner, so that the money should be claimed by my father or his partner, but for the fact that my father is nolonger alive that the partner should come for it.

So as things is now I don't want to go and get any of my kinsmen as that will also give them the access to claim the money as I can see that it is now the only thing we have to start life again. If I have found favour in your eye I will like you stand as my father's partner as I don't have anybody so that they can transfer the money to you. While we will prepare to come over to your country and meet you there to start a new life again.
If you can help us please let me know as I am waiting to hear from you soon.

Thanks and Remain bless,
Florence Benson

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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