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by Gateway Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:22 am
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From: Philip Hansen <[email protected]>
Subject: Attention Our Valued Beneficiary,
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2012 06:11:59 +0000
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This is to officially inform you that the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN), officials of the United Nation (UN) and International Monitoring Fund chief executive (IMF) meet here in Nigeria to discuss the possible way of settling debts owed to all Individual’s, Companies and contractors that worked for the Nigerian government in the recent times. At the end of their meeting, they agreed that such debts shall hence fort be paid through Automated Transfer Machine Card (ATM) as requested by the beneficiaries of such funds.

In view of the request therefore, we are using this medium to notify you that an ATM card Value of $2.8M (Two Million Eight Hundred Thousand United State Dollars) has been credited in your favor. The maximum cash amount you can withdraw from this Card in a single transaction is $6000.00 (Six Thousand United State Dollars only). Any attempt to withdraw above the cash limit will lock up your pin which can be reactivated ONLY through fresh application.

To receive this ATM card, you are required to send this information of yours to debt management office at [email protected]. Attention Mr. Mr. Joseph Weize. Your required information are: (FULL NAME, DELIVERY ADDRESS, TELEPHONE NUMBER AND YOUR COUNTRY OF ORIGIN). We are expecting your prompt reply as time slated for this exercise is very short. For more information please contact Mr. Joseph Weize on telephone number 234 708 757 3993.

Thank you.
Mrs Grace Wilson.

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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