Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
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Date: 8 Mar 2012 06:21:25 -0000
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Received: from unknown by rediffmail.com via HTTP; 08 Mar 2012 06:21:25 -0000
From: "Azeb Julia Kadin" <[email protected]>
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
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X-Truedomain: NeutralRespected Sir/Madam

My name is Ms Azeb Julia Kadin, I am from Paris France but work with World Health
Organization in South Africa,
I have a business which I think I should link you to for better profit with mutual
understand.My Father Benoit Kadin was a well know business man who deal with
Equine Injections for wild Animals before he retired, he has been dealing with
some reputed Doctors in Australia and Newzerland who use to come to Paris and
United Kingdom to purchase this Injections from my Father, which he got from some
accredited Agent of the Company who supply him with the Original CONCENTRATED
PENTOSAN IV EQUINE INJECTION, but since my father retired into Business he
misplace the contact of the Agents as he could not see very well due to the
illness he is undergoing this days, but in my research on his documents i came
across some receipts of his previous transaction of which I got a contacts of the
Agents, and it come to my notice that the Agent stays in one of the Biggest World
Trade Center for their adverts.I have been looking for trust person whom I could
do this business with who has experience in business and also a trust person whom
I can do the business with to enable us made better profit out of it, Therefore if
your trustworthy forward the reply to:[email protected]

1,Full name.
2, Phone Number.
3, Age
4, Occupation
5, Country of Origin

Thanks for your anticipated mail
Miss Azeb J. Kadin

Respected Sir/Madam
My name is Ms Azeb Julia Kadin, I am from Paris France but work with World Health
Organization in South Africa, I have a business which I think I should link you to
for better profit with mutual understand.
My Father Benoit Kadin was a well know business man who deal with Equine
Injections for wild Animals before he retired, he has been dealing with some
reputed Doctors in Australia and Newzerland who use to come to Paris and United
Kingdom to purchase this Injections from my Father, which he got from some
accredited Agent of the Company who supply him with the Original CONCENTRATED
PENTOSAN IV EQUINE INJECTION, but since my father retired into Business he
misplace the contact of the Agents as he could not see very well due to the
illness he is undergoing this days, but in my research on his documents i came
across some receipts of his previous transaction of which I got a contacts of the
Agents, and it come to my notice that the Agent stays in one of the Biggest World
Trade Center for their adverts.
I have been looking for trust person whom I could do this business with who has
experience in business and also a trust person whom I can do the business with to
enable us made better profit out of it, Therefore if your trustworthy forward the
reply to:- [email protected]
1, Full name.
2, Phone Number.
3, Age
4, Occupation
5, Country of Origin
Thanks for your anticipated mail
Miss Azeb J. Kadin

If you wish you can email me at
[email protected]

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