Has someone offered you a huge sum of money or a valuable consignment? It's a 419 or advance fee fraud - find out how they work, and what to do to be safe.
by Blondie Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:05 am
Good morning all,

I just received this email and I must say that although I'm very much aware of it being a scam. In my humble opionion it is one of the lower levels of scamming I've seen. I could very well be taking this particular one to heart alittle too much,due to how closely it hits home. However,there are many parents,spouses etc. out there that could very well fall for something of this natural simply because they have a loved one fighting for us as I do. My son left for his 1st deployment 2 mos ago and we've yet to be notified as to where he was sent..
If you notice the heading of this message,I see where it would be easy to fall for it especially in the beginning,when you're like me and not sure where your loved one has been sent to...
Anyway,please read the post and lets get the word out,that we're not standing for this mess any longer!

An Important message from an American soldier in Iraq?
From: Gordon Frawley ([email protected])
Sent: Fri 8/21/09 9:49 PM

Important message from an American soldier in Iraq

Good day,

My name is Sgt.Gordon Willer Frawley, I am an American soldier, I am serving in
the military of the 1st Armored Division in Iraq, as you know we are being
attacked by insurgents everyday and car bombs. We managed to move funds
belonging to Saddam Hussein's family in 2003. The total amount is US$25
Million dollars in cash, mostly 100 dollar bills, this money has been kept
somewhere outside Baghdad for sometime but with the proposed troop
reduction by president Obama, we are afraid that the money will be
discovered hence we want to move this money to you for safe keeping pending
the completion of our assignment here. You can go to this web link to read
about events that took place then via this site:
we are ready to compensate you with good percentage of the funds, No strings
attached, just for you to help us move it out of Iraq. Iraq is a war zone,so
we plan on using diplomatic means in shipping the money out as military
cargo using diplomatic immunity. If you are interested I will send you the
full details, my job is to find a good partner that we can trust and that
will assist us. Can I trust you? When you receive this letter, kindly send
an e-mail to [email protected] signifying your interest including
Your most confidential telephone numbers for quick communication also your
Contact details.

This is risk free.

With regards from,

Sgt.Gordon Miller Frawley.

Fixed coding, moved topic from Money Recovery Scams as this is an advanced fee fraud - Ralph

by Ralph Sat Aug 22, 2009 11:11 am
Hi Blondie

Welcome to Scamwarners.

Yes indeed it is a scam, thank you for posting it here, by doing so you have helped us in keeping people from being scammed, well done :=)
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

You can find details of many other similiar scams by a simple search on the script, I have done that for you :wink: to see how many there are Click Here
by mcharmel3 Mon Aug 31, 2009 9:50 am
They finaly asked for a western union payment of $4,860.00 to be divided in two payment between the diplomate and his partner.This same scamer is working on me now and i am playing them along. The money is in two locked boxes in menphis TN and i had a call from a foreign sounding man using a Menphis area phone (901-337-1854)
This is some the email he has sent.

Hello Charles,

They have not mentioned me sending money yet but its coming today probably.

We have been briefed by the office of the Diplomatic Courier incharge of this delivery to you that the diplomat arrived United States as scheduled. According to them the diplomat is having some hard time with the customs on clearing the consignments and this is so because he is sticking to the Agreement we had never to open the consignments. I believe he is making every effort to deliver it UNINSPECTED as agreed.

I heard he is making efforts to reach out to you, We thank God he was able to get through to you. Remember all I have told you regarding this matter, NEVER YOU TELL THE DIPLOMAT OR ANYBODY THE CONTENT OF THIS CONSIGNMENTS AND NEVER YOU RELEASE THE COMBINATION CODE TO THEM. MAINTAIN THAT IT CONTAIN YOUR FAMILY VALUABLES AS DECLARED.

What we will like you to do is to give the diplomat all the support and help he may need from you to ensure smooth delivery of this consignments to you. WE ARE SERIOUSLY COUNTING ON YOUR UNALLOYED EFFORT SINCE THE CONSIGNMENTS HAS ARRIVED THE STATES.

We are looking forward to receiving a favorable update from you.

My colleagues send their greetings to you and we assure you that we are not relenting asking God to bless and see you through.

With regards from,

Sgt. Gordon.

Hello Charles,

We are sorry for the delay in getting back to you, Please note that the diplomat informed us on his departure that he maybe charged or may not be charged a little fees by Airport authorities as we do not want the consignment to run through any kind of inspection or whatsoever at his port of entry but I assured him that everything will be fine once he does not allow the authorities to inspect the consignment and I’m sure you know why we does not need the consignment to be inspected.

Anyway, whenever he arrives and calls you up for delivery or incase a little fee maybe required, please try as much as you can to settle it with him, then once he delivers the consignment to you, I’m officially authorizing you to open the consignments with the combination and take the fee back before you even let me know. Here is the Combination Numbers once again to enable you open the boxes 0807 and 0808 for the two boxes. We could have given him some money but he gave us the information after we have sealed the boxes up and it was on his departure. So we apologize for the inconvenience and like he mentioned, it maybe little fee or no fee will be required.

We appreciate your kind assistance and I personally guarantee you that you will never regret the assistance.

Thank you.

Sgt. Gordon Miller Frawley

Hello Charles,

This is to update you on the diplomatic arrangement as I promised. The money has been packaged as Consignment in two trunk boxes and we have handed it over to the DIPLOMATIC COURIER COMPANY that is coming to meet you in the United States for onward Delivery of this consignments at your doorstep. We adopted this measure following the political crises in this country and all the International monitoring agents that might question the transfer of such huge amount of money both here in Iraq and on confirmation of this money in your bank. The DIPLOMATIC DELIVERY is like a security measures to avoid Risk of Misappropriation and significant percentages of this money being deducted from several monetary bodies affiliated to the Financial Services Authority whose role is to oversee the transfer of such huge amounts.

Under this diplomatic arrangement, we are using what we called GOVERNMENT LICENCED DIPLOMATIC AGENT. The diplomatic agent will be leaving by tomorrow Friday 08/28/09 and he is expected to arrive in United States on Saturday 08/29/09 and will contact you on arrival in United States. So it is expected that he will contact you anytime from 08/29/09. The DIPLOMATIC COURIER ORGANIZATION and their agent does not know the content of this Consignments because we have declared to them that it contains your Family Valuables ( Personal belongings ). This declaration is good as it will not give the Diplomat the chance to look into its content. WE AGREED WITH THE DIPLOMATIC OFFICE TO ENSURE THAT THE CONSIGNMENTS IS DELIVERED ON NON-INSPECTION TO YOU. ENSURE THIS ALSO FOR SECURITY REASONS BOTH AT THE AIRPORT FOLLOWING THE DECLARATION THAT IT CONTAINS FAMILY VALUABLES AND INORDER FOR THE DIPLOMAT NOT BE AWARE OF THE CONTENT. ON NO ACCOUNT SHOULD YOU REVEAL THE ORIGINAL CONTENT OF THE CONSIGNMENTS TO THE DIPLOMAT OR ANYBODY. JUST STICK TO THE DECLARATION THAT IT CONTAINS YOUR FAMILY VALUABLES.

I have handed over all your informations to the DIPLOMATIC COURIER ORGANIZATION for this delivery arrangement. With your contact informations it will be easy for the Diplomat to contact you on arrival in the United States. Your full co-operation is highly needed to direct the diplomat on arrival in the United States. As soon as you receive this to yourself please do contact us to acknowledge the delivery of this consignments to you.

Remember that the diplomat is not coming with your consignments alone, He is coming with three other consignments to deliver in the States.

I have tried all I can to see that this transaction is well concluded and I will not like you to fail me in any way. Here is the Combination code numbers to open the two boxes 0807 and the other one 0808, With this Combination code numbers you can unlock the consignments when delivered to you. Ensure that you keep this informations to yourself alone and do not release this Combination Code Numbers to anyone not even the diplomatic agent himself. I will instruct you on what to do once the consignment is delivered to you.

You must make sure that your phone is available and you are to stay close to your phone as from Saturday to avoid missing his call.

I will be waiting to hear goodnews from you. Please do confirm receipt of this mail. My colleagues send their greetings as usual.

With regards from,

Sgt. Eric Richardson Frawley.

Re formatted to make it easier to read - Ralph
Last edited by mcharmel3 on Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
by Ralph Mon Aug 31, 2009 10:10 am
Hi mcharmel3

Welcome to Scamwarners

This person I presume has your real personal information, please cease all contact immediately, it is not safe to play with scammers, without taking a lot of precautions which you have not taken by the sound of it.

Scammers will often make death threats which many of us here wear as badges of honour however we all use safe techniques to gather their information and we are completely untracable to them.

Thank you for posting the additional information, it will go a long way to helping others but now is time to keep yourself safe.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask
by IsmenePandora Tue May 24, 2011 3:08 pm
hey i have gotten a message from Sgt.Gordon Miller Frawley, subject 'Important message from an American soldier in Iraq?' as well but the email was different, it was [email protected] . because of the security i have on my computer ... i am not able to open the message but i am presuming it is basically the same, all i get of the message is 'Please open the attached file and get back to me' and a attachment (size 25.KB). just thought i would share this email so you can all tell for yourself.

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